
Exercise with HashMap

I'm trying to do this exercise, I don't know where I'm going wrong. Can you help me? I need to create a map that has by key ... ystem.out.println(m.getKey()+" "+m.getValue()); } nomeCidade.close(); qtdCidade.close(); } }

Problem with reading files in python

What is the difference between, making python open and read a file, passing the result of reading between rough? Because whe ... gorithm, which in the example above would be string Test To read the file I used the command: archive = open(file, 'r')

Encrypt password in Java with sha256 Hash

, I need to compare a password that a user with this by putting a sign in screen that is saved in the database, I have discov ... how to encrypt a variable of the string in the - hash sha256 if you have an example of how to do it or a way to develop it.

How to hash passwords securely?

If I do hash of passwords before storing them in my database is enough to prevent them from being retrieved by someone? I'm ... security in this aspect? What additional concerns would prevent access to passwords? Are there better ways to do this hash ?

What is the hash generation algorithm that Laravel uses?

By default Laravel already comes with a pre-ready authentication system, however, would anyone know to tell me what is the algorithm default that this framework uses to generate hash and what version?

What is the difference between encoding, encryption and hash calculation?

I see a lot of confusion on the site about the terms. in the context of data security What Would encoding, encrypting and ... used for something else? Example: use Base64 . Please read and understand the question, the subject has a specific context.

Login with Play! framework

I am trying to create a login system in the system but I am having the following problem: public Result salvaNovoUsuario() ... ogin()); } Is there a way to save the password that has been set and use it on login since I will never have the same hash?

Use list as dictionary value using Python append () method

I have some python dictionary, and I want to assign a list as a value for each dictionary key, but I need to use the append ( ... key is None. Ex: dic = {} lista = [] dic['a'] = lista.append('a') print dic {a:None} How do I solve this problem ?

What is HMAC?

While working on a project that uses sha256 and security keys, I came across the term hmac. I still don't know what it's all ... any purpose for information security? If so, cite examples. And finally: How to pronounce it? I always say: "Agá-mequi"

Problem decrypting hash in Base64

I was reading about an apache rule for validating permissions to access files / directories , and I saw that the default fil ... uses utf8 and linux not by default). Is there any way to find out how it was encoded and its encoding? Hash: zuQCCnEXtTamg

Best way to use AES encryption

Guys, let's say I'm working on a system where the encryption key is derived from the user's password (something like What Kee ... h the password, every time I logged into a new device? Just like what 1Password does. PS: with store I mean remember / save.

Problem with AVL tree vector

Good afternoon! I am making a hash table and for this I am trying to create an AVL tree vector. The problem is that when I t ... oid imprimir(){ for(int x = 0; x < lAVL.length; x++){ lAVL[x].inorder(); System.out.println(); } }

Facebook Android SDK Command-key Hash

I'm doing the tutorial of SDKfrom Facebookfor Android and I didn't understand this part, which talks about hashes key for ... \.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 Where Should I run this command? Tried CMD but gave error.

Is there any risk in using Django token generator on different services?

Assuming I'm already using the library django.contrib.auth.tokens.default_token_generator generating tokens to reset a user' ... ever I would like to definitely understand the logic behind this method to understand the risks and benefits in production.

How to check an encrypted password during Login?

When I try to log in: If I use the wrong username and password, only the contents of header and footer appear. If I use t ... ton bradius" name="login" value="Login"> </form> </div> <?php } } include "footer.php"; ?>

Hash, object or dictionary?

I have been studying python and ruby and have seen that several other languages as well as these two make use of different te ... ame? Obs: I gave the example in json, but also understand as primitive type of each language in the context of the question.

How does the MD5 hash algorithm work?

I would like to understand how the hash algorithm worksMD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5). Is he considered safe? I am looking ... f possible, the operations with bits. Note that I do not ask for code examples, although they are valid for the explanation.

Encode () function and hashing

I'm using Python 3.6 to make a program in which the person types an MD5 hash, then the program saves the hash in a variable, ... ld like to know if anyone it can help me make it work and also give a few touches regarding the code, because I am learning.

How do Sha family hashing algorithms work?

I would like to understand how the hash algorithms of the SHA family work(Secure Hash Algorithm), such as SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3 ... f possible, the operations with bits. Note that I do not ask for code examples, although they are valid for the explanation.

SHA256 hash generation of compressed files in.zip

I would like to generate a hash with SHA256 from a set of files. For this I compressed all in format .zip and I am using the ... rint(hashedWord) I wanted to know if this code is encoding all lines of all my files in .zip or if the method is incorrect