
Heap implementation

It is said that dynamic memory in a program is allocated on the heap, and local variables are allocated on the stack. If ever ... aced in the heap? It is clear that it depends on the implementation, but I would like to hear examples for linux and windows.

Are variables declared within blocks or subprograms dynamically allocated?

I am reading the book "Algorithms and programming with examples in Pascal and C" and in it there are two paragraphs that left ... allocation. This correct this statement? In my understanding, only allocation via pointers is considered dynamic allocation.

What is the behavior of static variables no.NET?

What is the behavior of static variables in .NET? are they stored in the heap or in the stack?

Message "Could not reserve enough space for object heap" in JVM

So I wanted to know what the limitation for memory allocation to the JVM depending on the operating system and processor arch ... its did not have this problem, only if you use java JDK 32bits. If anyone knows of a documentation, please also send a link.

Operator overload = in c++

I'm having a problem implementing operator = overhead on a heap class. Heap& Heap::operator=(const Heap& outro){ ... t is, with the value that h3 was before the call of overload. I hope I've been clear about the problem. Thank you right now.

If everything in C# inherits from Object, why are all types not by reference?

If, for example, a struct type inherits from the Class System.ValueType (which inherits from System.Object), Why is it, and t ... llocated in the heap ? When doing a boxing , we don't use the new operator, how is our type by value allocated in the heap?

What are they and Where are the "stack" and "heap"?

What are these stack and heap that talk so much about memory management? Are these really portions of memory as some people ... derstood by programmers. An explanation would be very useful for those who are starting out or have learned it the wrong way.