
C# Hex to string

I translate the string to Hex like this:textBox3.Text = String.Concat(login.Select(x => ((int)x).ToString("x"))); And how can it be translated back into text? Tell me please.

Getting hex from rgb

How can I get hex from rgb in python? For example I have the value rgb - 255, 0, 0. How can I get the value hex from it?

Why does a binary file display letters instead of numbers?

I need to write the array elements (integers) to one binary file, then read these elements from there, change the array and w ... t; n; j++) { printf("%4.1f ", b[j]); } fclose(f); printf("\n"); system("pause"); return 0; }

How to connect to TelegramClient MTProxy

server='To--Too--To.to--Too--to.tk' port=2590 secret='3fQ1mpsyX_HR5QhN8OD3U3s' And trying to connect: client = TelegramCli ... proxy=(server, port, secret)) And he doesn't like it: MTProxy secret must be a hex-string representing 16 bytes

Get the color name by hex or rgb code in java

The task is as follows: there is a string containing the color code, for example #75CD5C. There are html color names(about 14 ... s be implemented programmatically? Maybe there are already ready-made libraries? I will be glad to receive any tips and hints

C++ Translation of a string containing HEX data in char[]

Good afternoon! I program sending data to a specific printer and ran into a problem You need to send the packages tag to the ... 0xF0, 0xE0"; s6 = new char [s6_str.length()+1]; std::strcpy (s6, s6_str.c_str()); Tell me what to do! Thank you in advance!

Converting an html hex table to an ascii file

I need to write code in js that would take hex numbers from cells, then convert them to binary and write them to a file in A ... ied to convert to binary from 16 and save, and that just did not try. It doesn't work. Saves in UTF8 and distorts the text...

from hex translate to text

Code that runs on the server (c#) public static string ToHexString(string str) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); va ... 0432044B0439042000 30043A0442043804320420003D04300420004D044204430420003D043504340435043B044E04 From the text "week 47...."

How to create a program for sorting hex code

I decided to create a small program that accepts a 16-bit code 646с726а77206а6с6с6548 And converts to \x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6 ... 48" b = a[::-1] hexcode = "" for i in b: hexcode+=b But I do not know how to make the loop throw out 2 characters each?