
Bar chart with relative and cumulative frequency

I am trying to make a bar chart with the count on top of the bars and the relative and cumulative frequencies of the left and ... 1052632 0.21052632 0.13157895 0.21052632 0.07894737 0.05263158 What I'm trying to do is exactly like in the image below

Calculate Weibull distribution parameters from a wind velocity histogram using Rstudio

I can calculate the shape and scale parameters of the Weibull distribution, where I enter with the wind speeds and using the ... rt velocities of each column, knowing only the intervals. If possible, show some code example. Here the data I am using

how to place histogram values at the top of the bar

I'm using the lattice library histogram command in R. I would like to know how I can put the value on top of the bars, value I speak of is the histogram count. Former:

Grouping of data-histogram R

Good Morning, guys. I'm trying to make a histogram with ggplot (), but I'm having a lot of difficulty in one detail. Basical ... determine. EX instead of appearing the number 2, 4, 6 under a bar, I would like it to appear [2 to 4), [4 to 6), [6 to 8).e

R Histogram with all apparent breaks, hist function()

I have a database with more 8000 rows and I would like to create a histogram, but the same does not appear the bar in all cla ... x[, 1]) - 0.5, max(x[, 1]) + 0.5, by = 0.5)) h0$density = h0$counts/sum(h0$counts)*100 plot(h0, freq = FALSE, main = " ")

Calculate percentage of certain colors in an image

I have a program that reads an image and checks if there are certain colors in that image, if yes it paints each pixel of a c ... nPorcentagem verde: {}%".format(porcConst, porcVerde)) print("DEU RUIM nº {}".format(cont)) Input image Output image

Peak value of a histogram

My Code reads an image and makes the transformation of the RGB color model to HSV, and then I make a frequency histogram of e ... nd out the most frequent value for each channel. Do you have any methods for this? I know there is in numpy median, average.

How to create a plot with 2 overlapping histograms?

Suppose I have the following data from 2 distinct groups. set.seed(1) grupo1<-rnorm(400,6,2) grupo2<-rnorm(200,8,2) ... o groups on the same screen, identifying each of the groups with a distinct color and seeing the overlap of the 2 histograms?