
I can't implement autologin

This is certainly quite a difficult task, so I would like at least some tips from those who have dealt with this. There is a ... code stopped writing the second cookie(session), and writes only the first one. Well, now I'll try to pass all the arguments.

Sending shortened date does not work abbreviated mvc

I am creating a form in the ASP.NET MVC and, creating the "Datamessage" field, at first I put the TextBox to load a date with ... del of the "message Date" field. Does anyone know why this problem is happening and how can I solve it? I appreciate it now.

Angular http

I am developing an application with angularJS and nodeJS, where I have to send (POST) the data of a user who is registering. ... POST / url'. It also prints 'debugMe!', indicating that gave error at the time of performing the POST. Why isn't it working?