
Can someone tell us more about the methods of POST sending via httpclient

How many sites I haven't looked at, there are still questions. Here's the code, and it doesn't seem to be correct string lo ... лиента. PostAsync (url, data); Do I have to send json data? Or what, can you point out the errors and explain what and how?

c# HttpClient System. Net. WebException: Unable to connect to remote server

I'm trying to check a large list of domains for validity. I'm trying to do this in multithreaded mode. The robots principle: ... me, in the browser is loading. About 50% of all domains fall into the exception, most of them are working

Rebooting ESP8266 after getting to ESP8266WebServer

Trying to establish communication between two ESP8266. One is the WebServer, the other is the client. Server code: #include ... /esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.7.4/cores/esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp line 197 How can you get away from this constant reboot?

c# How to download videos from

Using the VK API, the video.get method received a link to the video: Video link I tried downloading it like this: using (var ... p;api_hash=1606069017307142bc17acacc38f_GMYDEMRRHEYTCNY","repeat":1,"views":163982}]}} Player - here is a link to the video.

I can't send a get request

I set all the headers, and try to catch cookies, there are no cookies, the headers are set, the server still gives 404 var c ... de, you will see what headers and cookies are installed, after it returns 404, half a day I try to understand what is missing

Unable to get authorization token (VK API)

I'm learning how to work with the VK API. I use HttpClient (Apache). Faced with the difficulty of authorization - I can't pro ... OST-requests, caught cookies - to no avail. Tell me, how can I get a token from the server response, or from the browser URL?

Cannot subtract data stream, always empty

Trying to download a video (any) from the service Sibnet, I tested getting a link to a video file, and I successfully get a n ... = 0) file.Write(data, offset, data.Length); file.Close(); fileData.Close(); client.Dispose(); }

Http to HttpClient (Angular)

I'm trying to update the Http requests to HttpClient in Angular. Currently the code is: return this.http.get(`${this.url}/g ... { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}); I had some issues with errors in GET/Unauthorizing that I couldn't fix.

Angular 7-Popular object in API service return. httpClient

I thank you for your attention. I'm having trouble populating a list of object returned from an API in Angular 7. My service ... by adding objects in the returned data and had no success, as it reports that my variable is undefined. Thank you again.

Error "the underlying connection was closed" in HttpClient C rest request#

I am doing an integration in rest with C# used HttpClient, most of the time the data was sent successfully, but I went to inv ... dynamic resultado = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resContent); string erro = resultado.Header.Error; ```