
How do I set the default language in Spring 5?

I use three languages in my app: - English - Russian - Estonian (for example) The language is changed by clicking on the li ... /www.thymeleaf.org" th:lang="${#locale.language}"> If you need more information, write about it in the comments.

How to translate a website in PHP?

I am making a simple website with only a few pages PHP . I would like this page to be translatable to Portuguese and Englis ... oad the translation files in PHP and make it work properly. How Should I proceed in case of PHP file translation after this?

How to work with i18n in PHP and Symfony?

Is there any add-on for Symfony that allows you to work with i18n and files .po and. mo or similar or is it really necessary ... on for this? Ideally I could call the translation in both twig and Controller. If there is what or what would be the options?

Translation of static website content into 4 languages

What tool have you used to release the option of translating the content of a static HTML site into another language? Some jQ ... y 4 languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. For the rest of the countries, the language default may be English.

i18 - how to translate attributes in error messages

Friends I have something like this: user.rb: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :address, autosave: true, depe ... ddress city cannot be blank My question is how to translate the items address state and address city. Thank you very much!

properties, and 'i18n' does not exist in type

Project "view": "^2.6.10", "vue-i18n": "^8.15.3 " I am setting up project internationalization import Vue from 'vue' ... i18N, so I believe it gets simpler Abstract to be treated - How to solve this error? - How to rename variable t to i18n

Losing translation with ngx-translate when giving build with ng prod

// translate import { Globalization } from '@ionic-native/globalization'; import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoad ... ordova build android --prod the translation does not work anymore, someone has already gone through it and could you help me?

Add more than one translation to vue-i18n

Following the documentation of vue-i18n I was able to configure the translation in my application problem that I am stuck to ... e: "Español" } ] }), methods: { changeLocale(locale) { i18n.locale = locale; } } }; </script>

Error message when putting translation in CodeIgniter

Does anyone know how to solve this: An Error Was Encountered: Unable to load the requested language file: language/portu ... ese-brazilian'; (after deleting english). Obs.: the form_validation_lang file.php is in the portuguese-brazilian folder.

Why is the path of translation not being found?

Assuming my yml file is organized like this: pt-BR: alert_system: schedules: teste: 'ss' every: 'Todo Dia ... atenate variables?, and in the console, because only the one finished in " on " presents error? would that be a special word?