
Scaling android images

I need to place a picture on the screen, and on top of it more pictures (and text). For this I use FrameLayout. The problem o ... XY" android:scaleX="1" app:srcCompat="@drawable/back1" /> </FrameLayout> `

Image in ImageView JavaFX

There are 2 *.fxml files, each of which has its own *.java file attached. In one.fxml there is ImageView fx:id="image"how to ... at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$MethodHandler.invoke( ... 52 more Help me please...

How do I add margin or padding for ImageView in JavaFX using code (not FXML)?

I want to add a white border around the ImageView. One solution is to use a Button. Tried using StackPane: StackPane st ... he image goes beyond the StackPane. What is the reason for this? Is there another option to make a border around the image?

When you can use ImageView. setImageBitmap (bitmap). What else besides canvas to dynamically change the image in ImageView

Here I have an imageview, if in the onCreate method I assign ImageView. setImageBitmap(bitmap), then everything is displayed ... r2.draw(canvas); Character3.draw(canvas); Character4.draw(canvas); Character.draw(canvas); } }

How do I open a window, like windows explorer, from a website

I am developing a website that will work with images. The images are in the micro location. I want to take all the images (ar ... today with the program running on Windows, I call, from the program, Windows explorer pointing to the folder with the images.

How do I maintain the ratio of ImageView in Android Studio?

I had a problem creating a SplashScreen. The image, 512x512, imported into the drawable directory does not maintain the same ... utf-8"?> <translate android:duration="900" android:fromYDelta="-2000" android:toYDelta="0" />

How to shift an enlarged image with finger in ImageView?

Based on that answer of the question when zoomed well how to move the image with finger to see the other part of the image.

Load imageView using image path

I have a listView loaded with data from the database on one screen, on another screen my app hits a photo and saves the photo ... (context, "Não foi possivel excluir!!!!!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }); return layout; }

How do I leave a round image?

I need the image to be round just like WhatsApp contact images. I have tried to do some ways, for example with the tag , but I did not have the correct result. How could I get this result? Example:

How to zoom into an imageView?

I'm looking for the implementation of an internet zoom but I don't think so. I found only one zoom that is applied to the who ... applications that allows you to zoom to any point of the image. Does anyone know how to implement this? Thank you right now.

Error trying to display a vector imageView (SVG)!

Good Guys, in this app I intend to do a test by inserting a vector image in the main activity. I made the integration proces ... o need, since the rest is funfando smooth. Tutorial in question (video) = > Integrate SVG = > (site) Android Coffe

Android Studio imageview error with photo

I am developing a mobile application Android in Android Studio version 3.0.1 and I am being it in Sansung Galaxy grand duo ... ed image with 38kb 640x640 up to 1.7 m high resolution and did not work tbm, minimum required of this application Android 4.1

Insert image in background of empty listview [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... the right way ? For what I'm doing is taking an image and a textview and putting in this test (if else) that I cited above.

GitHub image library for android that has the option to edit before loading

Https:// Hello gentlemen good evening, does anyone know a li ... View and it doesn't take a good angle, clearly, so I wanted to use a library like that that has on github with this function.

Visible ImageView with onClick get invisible again?

Talk guys, I have an image that starts invisible and when you click the button it is visible, but I need it to be invisible ... ha(0f).setDuration(5000); showButtons(); } }); Obs: seuLayout has to be INVISIBLE in xml.

Allowing manipulation In Widget Image in Kivy

I have doubts about how to allow manipulation of an image on a certain screen in Kivy, basically to approximation when doub ... ayout: id: bar Button: text: 'Ir para Patient Screen' on_press: root.manager.current = 'Patient'

How to connect Images via arrows in androidStudio

Good Night. I have a content.xml where I have 3 imageView, I would like to know what command I can use to connect these 3 im ... app:srcCompat="@drawable/branco" tools:layout_editor_absoluteX="400dp" tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="1dp" />