
make a slice in a multi-index using Timestamp Pandas (reindex the multi-index to use the slice by Timestamp)

I have a dataframe. Built multi-bank: (str, str, Timestamp). MultiIndex([...], names=['IDКлиента, Бизнес-Линия', 'Расчет', ' ... r error: UnsortedIndexError: 'MultiIndex slicing requires the index to be lexsorted: slicing on levels [2], lexsort depth 0'

generating a sitemap for a news site

New to seo, please tell me, there is a website, it has a frequently updated feed of articles, each article has a url like: са ... u/detail?id=134 etc. How do I add all this to the sitemap? Add each such url constantly, or is it enough to specify /detail ?

Find neighbors in a matrix without using loops, logical operators, assignment operators

In a given two-dimensional array, find the values of the neighbors for each element. For example, the array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... onal programming: recursion, and/or, map, reduce, zip, etc. BUT without using loops, logical operators, assignment operators.

Exclusion from indexing of products that are not in stock in 1C Bitrix

Welcome. There is such a problem in bitrix - there is a search for titles search.title. It is necessary that it does not inde ... DY"] = $arFields["TITLE"] = ''; unset($arFields["BODY"]); //на всякий случай unset($arFields["TITLE"]); } }