
make a slice in a multi-index using Timestamp Pandas (reindex the multi-index to use the slice by Timestamp)

I have a dataframe. Built multi-bank: (str, str, Timestamp). MultiIndex([...], names=['IDКлиента, Бизнес-Линия', 'Расчет', ' ... r error: UnsortedIndexError: 'MultiIndex slicing requires the index to be lexsorted: slicing on levels [2], lexsort depth 0'

How to use UV coordinates in OpenGL together with Index Buffer?

I'm trying to draw a cube using Index Buffer. That is, I have 8 points and an index buffer that shows in what order you need ... he index buffer. Is it possible to somehow pass different UV coordinates for individual faces and still use the index buffer?

What is the alternative to REGEXP REPLACE for creating a functional index?

After migrating to Oracle 18c Enterprise Edition, creating a functional index (FBI) fails. This is what DDLs look like for c ... c? If such a feature is no longer supported for the FBI, what other way is there to provide such functionality for the index?

Is it possible to avoid scanning an index in a large table?

Deducted that there is a ColumnStore index type. I haven't worked with him before and I don't know what kind of animal he is ... e this whole thing faster. I can of course play with Force Seek, but not with the simple one, the scheduler chooses the scan?