
No qualifying bean of type found for dependency

I searched Stackoverflow and StackOverflow in English but nothing guaranteed the solution to the problem. I've been through t ... tractProtocol start INFORMAÇÕES: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"] Apparently everything is right, what can it be?

Unit Of Work + IoC + IDisposable

I'm putting together a project that I use UoW to facilitate the issue of transactions. In some scenarios, I use multiple repo ... es the connection to the database and how am I using an instance by request this would give a problem to the next repository.

What is addiction injection?

I've heard a lot about Dependency Injection. The question is: how, when and for what to use?

Dependency Injection with Ninject C#

I am developing an application that has 4 layers Dominio, Infra, Servico e Web when I have access to a route for example Home ... people indicating the installation of 2 additional Ninject MVC 5 and Ninject WEB packages.API, I am adding the 2 to do tests.

Where and when to decide which concrete class (which implements certain interface) should be instantiated?

Ok, this is the classic problem to be solved with use of interfaces, right? Let's go to the example: I have a DLL that wil ... hich DAO of concrete person to instantiate? could a DI framework be useful in these cases? If so, can you give an example?

What is the advantage of dependency injection over an instance of an object?

I have read and reread what is Dependency Injection? but ultimately I couldn't realize an advantage of dependency injection o ... nce between creating new object and dependency injection , but not who answered the question know how to say this difference.

Injecting IConfiguration into Controller in WebAPI project

I'm developing an API, and I'm implementing JWT on it, I made a controller to manage the Token and Login but when I inject th ... rn false; } } } Important Note: Be following this example: Http://

How to make compatible objects coming from two different classes, derived from the same interface? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... avoid doing an "From-To" between objects, as this would be a hassle. Is there any way we can make these objects compatible?