
Extended number to number

I would like to transform an extended number to normal int; example: FunçãoParaConverter("trinta e dois") ... ezentos e trinta e tres") // retorna 1333 FunçãoParaConverter("sete mil setecentos e setenta e sete") // retorna 7777

How to print a vector of integers by removing the last comma in Python 3?

I want to print on the screen a vector of integers in the same line and separated by comma, and I want to remove the comma th ... last number. How could I do this in Python? My code looks like this: for i in range(12): print(numeros[i],end=",")

How could I read a value of 3 digits and print them on the screen inversely in C?

If I stored the value '123' in a variable of the integer type, How could I print the contents of the variable on the screen inversely? For example, for value '123 'the expected output would be' 321'; for' 472 'it would be'274'.

How to convert an int number to string in python?

I need to do an exercise in which I input a 3-digit integer variable and python has to show it inverted, but up to where I know an integer variable n can do that, but a string does. What can I do?

Check that number is equal to the sum of the squares of 4 consecutive prime numbers

I need to make a program in which I type a number and the program checks if it is the sum of the square of 4 consecutive prim ... part of checking if the number is Prime is correct, the problem is at the end, all numbers give false. Anyone have any ideas?

PHP integer value being modified for no apparent reason

Guys I'm having trouble changing an integer that starts with zero. $agencia = 0736; $conta = 999999; $agencia = intval($age ... g the same problem. But its put in place of zero the number 1 for example. Will print correctly (1736). :: PHP version 7.0::

Convert integer to string in C [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... } } int main() { for ( int x = 1; x <= 100; x++ ) { printf("\n%s", getTexto(x)); } return 0; }

Convert hexadecimal to integer

I have this value in hex "E365A931A000000". I need to convert it to integer I'm using the following code. string hex = "E ... sending me the following exception: " Input string was not in a correct format." What am I doing wrong in conversion?