
Internationalization in Domain Driven Design (DDD) architecture)

What would be the best strategy to internationalize a system in the DDD architecture, knowing that we have strings to interna ... , it would be discarded the possibility of creating an internationalization project in a layer that permeates all the others?

How to use plural with String Resources?

For internationalization, Android uses String Resources. How can I take advantage of this feature to use the plural in such ... ds > 1) { text = getString(R.string.friends_plural, friends); } else { text = getString(R.string.friends_none); }

Translation of MVC routes

With ASP.Net MVC 4 I am wanting to translate all my routes, currently some are like this: http://localhost/pt-br http://loc ... because my second route is custom and almost all my routes are. I would just like to know which is better way to develop it.

React JS-image internationalization

Good afternoon, I am using the React-intl library to do the internationalization of texts in pt_br and English in a React web ... in tags <img src={}/> then in the application. How can I change the image depending on the language the user is using?

Android internationalization-developing in Android Studio

How Should I apply internationalization to an Android app,using various languages? I need to develop an Android application ... string name="food">Feijoada</string> Is there a correct way to name the folders? Am I taking any wrong steps?

Format Brazil currency in Objective C

I have a string already formatted, I would like to turn it into float and then into a number formatted for currency. Input output 1.234, 10 1234.1 or 1234.1 Input output 1.234.10 1.234,10

Error message when putting translation in CodeIgniter

Does anyone know how to solve this: An Error Was Encountered: Unable to load the requested language file: language/portu ... ese-brazilian'; (after deleting english). Obs.: the form_validation_lang file.php is in the portuguese-brazilian folder.