
Checking the input data BufferedReader

I started studying Java. I got to the input from the console. There are two ways, or I found only two: a scanner and a buffer ... correct code, for example, to enter an int value. I understand that you need to check for non-emptiness and the type of int?

Using the split method of the String class in Java

At the moment, I am studying Input-Output from books. The task is to get 2 numeric values from the keyboard input stream, whi ... } } catch(IOException exc) { System.out.print("Ошибка ввода вывода"); } } }

Java. IO. How are types converted?

String check = "word"; void dropAbuses(InputStream src, OutputStream dst) throws IOException { while (true) { int ... etters. And with words it does not work. And by the way, only the English alphabet renderit can who knows what the nuance is?

Java. IO. Encoding errors when reading a file

I have this method that reads the file: private String fileContent = ""; void writeFile(String path) { ... file from which I read the UTF-8 encoding and in the development environment I have UTF-8 is. Can you tell me how to fix it?

printf as a means of printing variables in C

I do not know how to formulate exactly what I want to ask, but it looks like this: How to print the contents of a variable ... t I write like this: printf("%f", msg);? What is the reason? Wouldn't printf lead the data itself to the modifier we specify?

C: problem with getchar () and EOF (^Z) in Windows console

I've been trying to understand for a very long time: Why does the loop not end if I enter "dfkjsdf^Z", while when "dfkjsdf ... r[i] = getchar()) != EOF && i < 10) { printf("arr[i] is %c\n",arr[i]); i++; } return 0; }

I\O error 103 (Delphi XE3)

Why does the error pop up when processing the file: I\O error 103 ? var fall, f1: TextFile; S: string; begin AssignF ... then writeln(f1, S); end; CloseFile(fall); CloseFile(f1); // <<-- Ошибка выскакивает тут end;

Reading tables from pdf java

I need to read this document. Tried to do this using pdfbox: PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File(path)); PDF ... DFTextStripper(); String text = stripper.getText(document); But the text is not returned. What other way can I do this?

How to write a loop to read a file to an array of structs in C?

Hello. I have a doubt how to read numbers from a given file in c to put inside the loop The file .txt will have the followi ... 2; k++) { printf("%s %s %s", pessoas[k].cor, pessoas[k].tam, *pessoas[k].nome); } } return 0; }

Could anyone tell me what happens in this method?

I have a method that does a few things that I would like to know what it is...just explain it to me over the top, please? ... unt; (count = != -1; ) { out.write(buffer, 0, count); } return out.toByteArray(); }