
Ionic-problems pulling data from PHP database

Hello, I would like to know how I can pull the data from the database already with the tags in html. I pucho the data and th ... ;/p> And wanted him to show: example example example example Type already with html tags worked, can anyone help me ?

How to navigate ionic tabs

Hello! I created the tabs in my html Ionic and want when you click open the destination page, the tabs appear right but click ... e.ts export class HomePage { homeRoot = ChatPage listroot = ListPage constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {} }

How to download PDF file from server in ionic 2?

I'm using the MPDF_6_0 library to generate PDFs files, testing unitarily works, but I can't trigger it through the ionic proj ... 'D'); // I - Abre no navegador // F - Salva o arquivo no servido // D - Salva o arquivo no computador do usuário ?>

Unexpected end of JSON input error

I'm working with Ionic 3, taking data through a Restfull API, using PHP and MySQLi, but returns this error: Unexpected e ... o ProdutosProvider Provider'); } getProdutos(){ return this.http.get("http://localhost/app-produtos.php"); } }

App update on Play Store

I am having the following problem, I have an app made in cordova that I published it in the Play Store, this app got some use ... ication is signed correctly according to the needs of the Play Store. Any idea what might be going on? Thank you since ja...

Cordova PayPal plugin in Ionic using Real (BRL)

I installed the PayPal plugin in an Ionic application following this tutorial: ... arried out in an app in Brazil, passing BRL as currency. Has anyone managed to implement PayPal in Ionic/Cordova / Angular?

Ionic 3 problems with get in estorage

I'm having the following problem. apelidoCidade(){ let cidade ='apelidocidade').then(res => ... CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Like me can I solve this problem?

Is it possible to get the firebase user by UID?

Doubt consists of the following problem: I have a project using firebase and ionic 3. I am using email authentication mode, ... "error" : "Invalid path: Invalid token in path"↵}↵", status: 400, ok: false, statusText: "Bad Request", headers: Headers, …}

How to color a button corresponding to a selected value?

My question is as follows. I created a simple matrix, with animal names. For each name I generate a button dynamically, and m ... m, I know how to do. Just need to know how to color the buttons of according to the information that comes from the database.

Losing translation with ngx-translate when giving build with ng prod

// translate import { Globalization } from '@ionic-native/globalization'; import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoad ... ordova build android --prod the translation does not work anymore, someone has already gone through it and could you help me?

How to prevent an addEventListener from running multiple times in a function?

I will explain my situation. I have a function that displays a certain ad to the user in the app. After viewing that ad, I ca ... Attached image to better explain what is happening: Note: I'm working with ionic3, but this specific plugin is pure js.

Error trying to generate apk-Ionic v 3.20.1

I'm having the following problem - I'm trying to generate an APK in Ionic using the command below: npm run generate-apk ... ode.JS, angular, cordova, Ionic and gradle installed on the machine (Windows 10). Does anyone know how to solve this error?

Help to perform start date and end date filter in javascript

I am trying to perform a filter between the start and end date chosen by the user. I have some objects that look like: let ... console.log(objetosFiltrados); But when I do this he brings me all the records, what is the correct way to do this please?

ALERT with text inputs and checkbox-IONIC 3

Hello, I need to create in a component AlertController with a list of checkboxs and a text field, same in the code below al ... value: '1', }); But when it is displayed, the text field appears in checkbox format, can anyone help me?

White screen on IOS startup

I'm developing an app with Ionic in Version 3 but I'm having a problem with the build for IOS, only for IOS. For several day ... TIC Read Status [10:0x0]: 1:57 and TIC Read Status [11:0x0]: 1:57 Any attempt at help will be welcome. Thank you since now!

Ionic com admob-free ad displays only " Nice Job"

I created an application with Ionic version: 3.20.1 and configured with admobfree: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admob- ... d ? Updated: 02/03/2019 I tried to see with this plugin also, more unsuccessfully: Using Admob With Ionic Framework

Ionic-change App top bar color

Hello, I am developing an application with Ionic3 and when I start the app in the emulator nice wheel, but it is common in ap ... e. How to do this? Another thing, when I simulate on iOS the top bar is on the elements of the application, how to fix?

Ionic V3 app closing

I have an app with a login screen and another home screen, I run and debug on a Samsung S6 Android api 23. I created a new pr ... lated to Ionic/cordova/android versions but I don't know what to do. Thank you in advance to everyone Q can give me a light.

Ionic-custom buttons on google maps

I'm using ionic to create an app where I use the Google maps api I need to put some buttons floating over that map, as in the ... ld(controlUI);[google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER].push(controlMarkerUI);} I appreciate any help.