
Ionic-transform image from base64 to JPG

I'm making an app and I need to send an image to an api. But I have the image only in base64 and need it in jpg. Does anyone ... ss') }; const data: Observable<any> =`${this.API_URL}/picture/upload`, body); return data; }


I am trying to make a request for freight calculation to the post office, but when I request the request, it returns the Erro ... o pass, but when I go up to production it does not work (even because it does not work with the plugin). Someone help me aii

Authentication with google plus on Ionic

I am trying to create a login with google plus in ionic 4 on the android platform, but it is always coming back an error [10] ... Console", err); }); } Whenever I try to log in, it returns an error '10', but I haven't figured out what's missing yet.

Low resolution IONIC CAMERA

I am having a problem with the resolution of the photos in my app. My aquivo TS. it has the following configuration: import ... llows with very low quality: Someone would know what error is running since in the camera options I put the quality to 100

I can't navigate properly using ion-tabs (IONIC 4)

I have the following code structure: App-routing.modulate.ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { PreloadAll ... cking home should navigate to http://localhost:8100/home and so on. Thanks for the help, I don't know where to look anymore.

How to solve accentuation problem in Ionic

Guys, I went to pass a data through the routes in Ionic, Angular, only the data is a string with accent, when I put the varia ... ttons> <ion-title>{{ tituloPesquisa }}</ion-title> </ion-toolbar> </ion-header>

Error: can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

I'm creating an app in IONIC V 4 In the form using FormBuilder I added the tag [formGroup] appeared two errors: <for ... NativeStorage ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} What am I doing wrong? I appreciate it now.

Problems with ionic QR code reader [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... [email protected]) Ionic-CLI version 5.4.4 QR Scanner "cordova-plugin-qrscanner": "^3.0.1" What other solution can I use ?

Ionic 4-update a component with data from a modal? [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... t; </ion-footer> How can I update the <ion-item> in the automatically when is the modal closed?