
Where can I find Russian Proxies?

There is a need for proxies, whose IP addresses would be distributed across all regions of the Russian Federation (well, or a ... service. The actual question is: where to find it?) Maybe there are foreign sites that have an IP in the Russian Federation?

IP address substitution

The program connects to the server by ip address. Unfortunately, the server ip has changed. Edit with the help of exe program editors is not an option. Are there any options to replace the ip address to which the program connects?

Determining the city by IP

Hello Are there any services or methods that can accurately determine the city by IP? I tried IpGeoBase and GEO Zone Query, the definition is bad. Thanks!

What is /24 / 16 in ip addresses?

You must block all addresses: 109.207.13. X that is, from to I read that a lot of addresses are denoted by: so: or so: Please tell me how to do it correctly? And what does /16 /24 mean ?

List of IP free proxy servers

For the site parser, I'm looking for normally (or relatively normally) working proxies to bypass the block. The Internet is f ... servers, but in practice, a maximum of 10-20 % of them work. Share what you use - resources or what are really working APIs.

Encoding and decoding of IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP calls in Asio

In this example, icmp/ping.cpp when sending an ICMP echo request, only the ICMP header is encoded and sent, and when receivin ... rateful for an explanation of this uncertainty to those who are better versed in network technologies and Boost.Asio. Thanks.

Authorization on the Dahua IP camera via the HTTP API

The documentation for the camera says: Video products support either basic authentication or digest authentication, see RFC ... "XXX" Connection: close CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 As you can see, nothing comes out. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you

How do I make a proxy end in the Tor chain?

In the Tor settings, there is a proxy, but it works differently where there will be a proxy - > Tor chain - > site. And ... wer. There is one way to implement(https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tunnels/Introduction), but I have no desire to change the os.

WIFI BSSID/MAC Geolocation

A year ago, I found an api from yandex that could be used to find out the location by the mac address of a WIFI access point,but now it does not work, are there WORKING, PROVEN analogues?

RTSP IP camera Hikvision

I try to record video from the Hikvision IP surveillance camera to a file package main import ( "github.com/geoirb/video ... is hanging, although everything works fine with other cameras, up to this point the code works perfectly, camera parameters

Change ip on Android programmatically

Please explain to me what are the ways to change the ip to Android programmatically (create a program and use it as you wish) ... preferably specifying versions of Android on which these methods are supported. As well as ways to implement these methods.

Classification of ip addresses

What is an arbitrary mailing address (anycast)? What is it for?

Set the user's country/city in PHP using the resource http://ipgeobase.ru:7020/geo?ip=

You need to set the user's country (and city) on the server side (in PHP), so that, depending on this, you can display this o ... nal courses, where I could send curl and get data, install an additional database and libraries in my case is not an option.

Genymotion - unable to connect to the virtual device

There is a lot of information on the Internet about this error, but none of the suggested ones came up. I tried all the optio ... that this VB is set crookedly, but I have already reinstalled it so many times, and cleaned everything after the uninstall.

What is the IP address used for?

In Ubuntu, the address is mapped to the computer name. What is it used for?

How to correctly register a PTR record?

For the ip address, you need to register a PTR record smtp.reatra.ru. The 'A' records are there and working, y ... ged to do this if this ip is allocated for me personally (VDS), or can he refuse? (don't answer the question at the moment).

Find out the user's city by ip

How to determine which city a site user is located in using php or js (html5 geolocation do not offer!). You need to know t ... e is displayed in RUSSIAN letters (because there are many services, but they have the names of cities displayed in English).

2 local area networks (2 TP LINK) on 1 external static IP

Good afternoon! My task is to organize the transmission of packets over the TCP/UDP protocols by forwarding ports to specific ... ferent internal Networks with one external IP, so that I can additionally forward ports on one or the other internal network?

WD my book live changed the DHCP to a static IP. Does not find WD!

What should I do? Already I connected WD directly to the computer via an Ethernet cable, there I tried to go through the stan ... router opens, and on / UI nothing opens. (Although it used to be the WD - address).

Why are the sites not accessible by ip address?

Why, if you type in the browser's search bar the ip address of the site instead of the url, it will not be available? If I'm not mistaken, the browser will not open the site by ip address, even if the site has a dedicated ip.