
Deleting an element from Set Java error

I can't understand why the program compiles, but at startup it gives an error *Generating a collection set [65, 1, 97, 66, 2, ... .remove(i); } } Although if you use - System.out.println(i) in the conditions block, everything works...

What is the difference between iterable and sequence?

I can't understand the difference between the concepts of "iterable" and "sequence" in Python. Please explain.

Logic of the ArrayList iterator

I can't wrap my head around the logic of iterators. Here, for example, is such a program: import java.util.*; public class ... it (judging by the fact that the element storing " 2 " is normally assigned "111", the iterator after all remained on "2")?

How to tell if a value is iterable in Python?

How can I do to check in Python if a certain value is iterable? What determines that a given type can be iterable? For exam ... out this in the case below? a = 1 b = 'Uma string' c = [1, 2, 3] d = xrange(1, 10) e = range(1, 10) f = {"a" : 1} g = True

What is Iterator?

Studying STL in C++, I almost always come across the term iterator, example: std::vector<int>::iterator it; What is the function of a iterator?

What would be iteration?

In a question I asked, I questioned what it was and what the function of ListIterator would be, so the term iteration came up, what would that be? Link to question

How to perform a loop on a dataframe, removing rows conditionally and restarting the loop on a recalculated dataframe with each removal?

Hello, I am processing some data and I need my algorithm to perform the comparison between two lines and remove the one tha ... the function, however, returns the KeyError. In another dataframe, of 690 rows, the problem of removing several rows occurs.

How to access an attribute in an ArrayList in JAVA?

I have created an application that receives some data and gathers into a ArrayList of a class that is in another package. How ... e question: How do I take the values of a private attribute from another class and sum with another in the application class?

Pass start and end of a vector to sort function using C++method overload

I want to access using overhead using Node which is an object of the base class the method getInicioVetor and getFimVetor ins ... TRegistro getFimVetor(){ it = x.end(); return *it; } sort(no->getInicioVetor(), no->getFimVetor(), ordenar);