
Rendering of the angular Jade template

On node uses the koa framework.js (but it doesn't matter, it can be any). Template engine - jade. There is a page that Angu ... de did not fit, because I want to load the pieces of templates without reloading, and node overloads the page, unfortunately.

Working with pug (jade) templates in a project using webpack

How can I convert pug files to html templates without explicitly importing them to the entry point? The project contains tem ... d the project endlessly. How to work correctly with templates in a project? Can my method work? Where am I making mistakes?

How to write html tags to mixin variables in Jade (Pug)

I'm new to Jade (Pug).I still don't understand such subtleties. We have the code: mixin label(labelValue) label= labelV ... ass="skills__label skills__label_jade"><a href="#">Pug (Jade)</a></label> How can this be implemented?

Blocks in mixin pug

There is a mixin for the{[2] button]} - var blocks={}; mixin set(key) - blocks[key] = this.block mixin A(buttonClass, b ... ight') as an example, then everything is ok. But if I write one thing, it's a mistake. Https://codepen.io/inkshio/pen/YBVOMK

if/else conditions in pug

There is a block with svg and you need to change the contents depending on the variable, the code: mixin container(svg) ... ner(third) The problem is that no matter what value I write in the mixin container(), svg.class__first is always displayed?

Setting 'default' values to variable with the Pug Template Engine

I'm starting to work with MEAN and I use the Pug as a template engine. I know that the same was Jade previously and that ther ... ug Da pau in rendering saying it did not find the variable. How do I set a 'default' value if bin is not sent in my template?

How to load multiple non-node routes.js in one.jade

Is there any way to load multiple routes within the same file .jade, for example: I can have a route /menu, another /header ... n one file, type: html body [Inclui a rota /header] [Inclui a rota /menu] [faz a lógica da tela de clientes]