
Testing interaction with html and JavaScript using Jasmine is wrong?

JavaScript code has some interactions with html like this example: function retornaListaDeItens(argument) { return docume ... "item"; var list = retornaListaDeItens(item); console.log(list.length); expect(list).not.toBeLessThan(0); });

How to refactor legacy JS to implement unit tests?

I have a WordPress site with a lot of JS files that were not structured to be tested - they were not written as modules that ... Testes para arquivo.js", function() { it("testes do metodo X", function() { expect(true).toBe(true); }); });

Promisses test in AngulaJS application using Karma and Jasmine

Hello, I have an application in AngularJS and I wanted to ensure the quality of my code by doing unit tests and I am using ... ce : projetoService }); })); it('Teste AbreLink()...', function () { var id = "1"; vm.abreLink(id); }); });