
What is the difference between JavaBean and POJO?

I am new to the java language and have this doubt. I searched several places on the internet and asked several friends JAVA p ... but none could explain to me clearly what the difference between the two. What is the difference between JavaBean and POJO?

What is a Java Bean and what is it for?

I'm starting to read about layered java development, and I've read something about bean, an encapsulated class. But I couldn't find any content that actually explained the purpose and an example. So, what is a Bean and what is it for?

Empty constructor without calling super()

When I make parameterized constructors, I create an empty constructor as well. In the empty constructor, should I always make the call to super ()? Why? (Take into consideration, that my class is just a JavaBean.)

How to send an object by parameter?

I have the following code snippet: <p:selectOneMenu id="agencia" converter="agenciasConverter" value="# ... t().getAttributes().get("agencia") How to use f:attribute to pass object that was selected in the select to the backbean?

Can anyone explain what a Spring Framework bean is?

Can anyone simplify what is a bean ? I have already read the description on the website of proprio Spring but it did not make ... at is happening in reality, I want to understand what need to declare this Bean is supplying. Hugs and thanks in advance. rs