
How to find Key by Value in Map (Java)?

You need to select and return the first available key key from Map by its value value. I try it like this: for (int i = 0; ... e(); if (result.containsValue(s)) { System.out.println(result.get(i)); break; } } Returns null.

Find the hash table in HashMap

When I began to investigate such a phenomenon as a hash table, I realized that it is an array, each cell of which stores a li ... correctly, and this is a hash table, then why is it a one-dimensional array? Or did I find something wrong and it wasn't her?

ConcurrentModificationException and Hashmap

Hello throws Exception ConcurrentModificationException on this line for (Transaction t : c.getTransactions())(64 lines) for 2 ... at com.lab6.ClopeAlgorithm.iteration( at com.lab6.ClopeAlgorithm.main(

HashMap Method Signatures

Why does the put method take as input key a parameter of the K type: public V put(K key, V value) And the get method takes ... d not K? After all, it's somehow ugly, or something (different style)... and this should probably have some special meaning.

How is hashCode used in HashSet/HashMap?

In the JavaRush lecture " The implementation of the Set, Queue interface " says the following: Using hash codes allows yo ... the hashCode() method, you run the risk that your the object in the Set collection will not be found, even if it is there.