
Calculate the sum of values in Map via the Stream Api

There is a collection ArrayList that stores objects of the Student(<HashMap<Subject, Integer> rating, String name> ... tNameFaculty() + " in the subject " + subject + " average mark " + averageMarkOnSomeSubjectOnFaculty); }

Count the number of occurrences of each word in the file

You need to write a program to count the number of occurrences of each word in the file using the stream api.

Do I need to close local IO threads in Java?

If the thread was created locally, is it necessary to close it at the end of the method? public void method() { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); ... fis.close(); //Необходимо ли это? }

Why do we need and as method parameters

There is a function: <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper); It performs operations ... fter all, we just pass the implementation with specific T(User) and R(String), where can we use subclasses and superclasses?

Java 8 stream groupingBy

Tell me how to convert: Map<String, List<Pet>> pets = petList .stream() .collect(Collect ... s? PetHouse - it's just a kind of wrapper over the sheet List<Pet> petList; PetHouse house = new PetHouse(petList);

Character-by-character console input via Java 8 Stream

How can I convert console input in a Stream of characters. I tried this combination: new BufferedReader(new Input ... r(Character::isDigit) .map(Character::getNumericValue) .limit(3) .toArray();

how do I copy a java 8 Stream?

Need a function that calculates the min and max from Stream public static <T> void findMinMax( Stream<? ... right away, because the passed parameter Stream<? extends T> stream is not only Integer maybe, how to fix this problem?

Counting the number of occurrences of letters in a string using a stream (Stream)

There is a certain string(for example, "Some example"). You need to determine the number of occurrences of each letter in a s ... et.putAll(toCharMap(it)); return ret; } But now how to count them in the stream, for example, using filter and reduce?

How to debug Java 8 streams in Intelij IDEA?

How to debug Java 8 streams in Intelij IDEA? All intermediate calls are lazy and are executed during a terminal operation, so ... e step other than the start and end. System.out. println arrange-somehow unprofessional, are there other ways out of the box?

Is it possible to get both min() and max () from one Stream at once?

Let there be IntStream, is it possible to get from it a valid array or sheet, in which there will be 2 values min and max of the stream? Or is it even possible to somehow call the terminal method on the stream more than 1 time?

How the peek() method works in the Stream api

I have the following code. Explain why in the first call to the map() method, IDEA highlights it and suggests replacing it wi ... el.getValue() + "\"}"; el.setValue(sb); return el; }).map(Map.Entry::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList());

A foreach loop versus an Iterable loop.foreach in Java 8: what's better?

Which of the following is the best practice in Java 8? Java 8: list.forEach(e -> e.operation); Java 7: for (E e : lis ... bdas, but are there any real benefits from using Iterator.foreach? Will the performance and readability of the code improve?

What are the differences between findFirst and findAny in Java 8?

I don't really understand the difference between findFirst() and findAny() in the Java Stream API. I thought that findFirst ... and Stream.of(...).findAny() Then they both return the first element of the stream. Why? Are they both doing the same task?

What is the difference between the map and flatMap methods in Java 8?

What is the difference between the methods and Stream.flatMap apart from each other?

What does it mean: a sign in java? [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... , in streams, sometimes in lambda expressions. What does it mean? What does List :: stream mean? P.S. And what is it called?

stream is now available on Android API 21?

I have minSdkVersion == 21 Previously, when I tried to use stream, I got an error - you can't, available from version 24. In ... where? Or Android-studio just blunted show error and on versions below 24 I will get crashes(I don't have a device to check)?