
How to log in to SMTP via the JavaMail API?

I tried to write a simple tutorial application for sending emails by mail using the JavaMail API, I chose SMTP as the server ... . Throws the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException

Java Mail-inserting an image

Is it possible to insert a picture in an email? If so, how do I do it? Thanks.

Filter reading emails from a date

I have the following snippet of code that performs the reading of emails from the inbox. try { email.conectar(); jav ... he reading of all the emails that are in the Inbox, is there any way to add a filter so that the reading is done from a date?

Send login and password in JavaMail email

I am developing a web application using JSP and servlet and would like that when sending the email passes an image and the lo ... tem.out.println("Done"); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }

Problems sending email with JavaMail

I am developing a Java Web application with PrimeFaces in which I use javaMail to send email with the user information, but i ... build( at ... 100 more

Email with JavaMail copy

I have a system that sends email, works normally, I want to enter a field to send copy of the email, a CC or BCC. below is an ... ();" action="# {ordensControle.enviaEmail()}" update="outputPanelMail"/> </p:panel> Library used, commons-email