
I added a class with JQUERY and tried to use it to fire a function, but it didn't work, what's wrong?

Hello, guys! I am an industrial designer (designer and illustrator) by training and not a programmer, but I like learning and ... slation or the " console.log()" same. How is it possible to do this? From now on, grateful for the help, thank you very much!

How to drop draggable element only on divs Droppable and not drop on the rest of the screen

Guys talk, I'm with a little problem here, I stopped using the native HTML5 **Drag and Drop** because the same does not suppo ... -o-santos/pen/aPKgoQ Follows functional example of my current scenario: https://codepen.io/jo-o-santos/pen/zyaXLK

How to use jQuery fadeIn and FadeOut effect in warnings to users

I have the script FadeIn: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.c ... ;</div> </body> </html> How can I start, display, and after 10s finish the message using jQuery?