
Jquery Calendar

I connected it to the calendar, in the file myscript.js prescribed $(document).ready(function(){ $( "#date" ).datepic ... ed); /* Прячем календарь */ $("#date").DatePickerHide(); } }); Then nothing is displayed in the field.

Remote activation of selectmenu jQuery UI

There is an element stylized thanks to selectmenu, there is also a button in a different place on the page (but within view o ... : In general, if there is no such function in the jQuery UI, then tell me please as possible to implement my idea, thank you!

Datepicker using jQuery

Hello I'm trying to install a datepicker on my site with the input field, when you click on it, the calendar should pop up, b ... source code http://xdan.ru/down/file/12 And to the site with the lesson http://xdan.ru/ispolzuem-datepicker-iz-jquery-ui.html

jQuery Price Range Slider

Hello, there is a price range slider. It looks like this $( "#slider-range" ).slider({ range: true, ... rmkfsGYeKyZx3M4bG+ZlFyA7Kns7E=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> How to make the price display like this

Jquery - slider with marker

Can you tell me how to add a marker to jquery. slider ? I.e. where the inscription is 50km, how can I add this block?

How to use the yandex translate api key in a script

On the Yandex site, I received the API KEY According to the instructions, I read not what I did not understand.. Here is suc ... k-функции>] Which I don't know.. how can I use the YANDEX API KEY on a regular site using a regular script or JQUERY ?

Jquery ui slider, indent

Can you tell me how to make an indent on the sides of the slider so that you can't move the slider to the very edge? &l ... #f6931f; font-weight:bold;"> </p> <div id="slider-range"></div> </body> </html>

jQuery touch events

How to manage touch events. When I write several touchstart on different elements, they all work at once and I can't separate ... 't find it. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place. I would be grateful for a hint or a small tutorial maybe where there is

Localization of the datepicker

There is a code from https://jqueryui.com/datepicker/#date-range I added the settings for the Russian language to it$. datepi ... date = null; } return date; } } ); </script> <?php }

jquery ui autocomplete json

There is such a json file: [ { "coords": { "lat": "52.65", "lon": "90.08333" }, "district": "Сибир ... plete with a json file? How do I display the selected city inside a block, for example, in <div id="res"></div> ?

How do I remove the text selection cursor? Jquery

How do I remove the text selection cursor? Problem: when you hover over the text that has the disableSelection property, the cursor changes to this (2 in a row) and you need the 1st one

Input created in JS with jQuery autocomplete UI

Hello I'm having a problem here when I create an input dynamically and it should work jQuery UI autocomplete Widgets. I have ... item_extra); This attempt with jquery tbm did not work. How do I then add this input created via javascript to this plugin?

How to play fade in effect from bootstrap modal to jQuery dialog ui?

I'm standardizing modal view effects, in this project I own both bootstrap modal and dialog, it turns out that both have dist ... > I tried to take the Fade css from bootstrap and add in the dialog ui, but it didn't help. Example in jsfiddle

Parallax.js does not work on Chrome for Mobile

The parallax effect.js ( http://pixelcog.github.io/parallax.js / ) only works for desktop browsers. Can something be done to ... window" data-parallax="scroll" data-image-src="img/bg/home-1280.jpg"> </section> </body> </html>

Show jquery-ui icon on close button of dialog widget

I am customizing the look and feel of the jquery-ui dialog widget and so far my css is as follows: .ui-dialog { position: ... e desired look would be to show the icon .ui-icon-closethick inside the window close button. Does anyone know how to do this?

What is the difference between stable and legacy versions of jQuery UI?

I went to download JQuery ++ and realized that it has two options, a stable call and a legacy call, I would like to know the difference.

JQuery or Bootstrap Modal that receives email and name, displayed automatically when loading the page

I tried the following code, but it is not working <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() ... l-dialog modal-sm"> <div class="modal-content"> Conteudo </div> </div> </div>

Apply jQuery Datepicker to dynamically added fields

I made a form with a "date" field and used jQuery Datepicker to insert the date. I also made a function to add more fields eq ... ; x++; } }); Does anyone have any idea why Datepicker doesn't work on the added fields?

Feedback on a drag drop

I did a drag-n-drop with the jquery , but I want that when the person fills all a feedback appears, does anyone have any i ... $( this ).addClass("ui-state-highlight"); $( ".card02" ).addClass('dropped'); } }); });

Changing the value of a Slider in each row of the table

I'm having problems, I don't have much experience with JavaScript and jQuery and need to do the following. I have a table, w ... ); } if ($("#userType").attr("value") == "adm") { $("table tbody").append(markup); } } });