
Use Bootstrap and Primefaces without one interfering with the other?

I'm trying to use Bootstrap together with primefaces in a JSF project, the problem is that in most components I need to use J ... of primefaces is changed even if I take the styleClass="form-control", would there be any way to coexist the two in harmony?

What is the difference between actionlistener and action?

What is the difference between actionlistener and Action ? When to use one or the other? <h:commandButton action="xxxx" actionListener="zzzz" id="teste"/>

SelectOneMenu does not bring the description of the object in the edit

I am carrying out a registration that has a relationship with another, I am using the SelecOneMenu to bring it, when carrying ... (ActionEvent event) { interfaceSistema = (Interface) evento.getComponent().getAttributes().get("interfaceSelecionado");

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "code"

I am developing a project with JSF, primefaces, maven and JPA with hibernate specification and POSTGREESQL DBMS (I created th ... .getTransaction().rollback(); }finally{ entityManager.close(); } return clientes; }

Java error.lang.IllegalArgumentException in Hibernate when working with enum

Take a look at the error message: jun 02, 2015 5:23:57 PM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase execute ADVERTÊNC ... is is my class enum Typeperson package com.algaworks.pedidovenda.model; public enum TipoPessoa { FISICA, JURIDICA }