
How to remove the percentage icon in the react-router-dom address bar

I use react-router-dom to go to the details page about the movie. In the path, I specify pathname: `/about/${value.title}`, ... <Switch> <Route path="/about/:name" children={<ChooseFilm />} /> </Switch> Thanks!

How do I pass modular styles through props? React

There are components: import React from 'react'; import s from './SectionsTitle.module.css'; const SectionsTitle = (props) ... eTitle='s.SectionsTitle' /> Is there any way to pass this s.SectionsTitle through props? If I do it this way, I don't get

How do I change the value of both components?

There are two components "My1" and "My2", there is a function myFunction(). The components do not share a common ancestor and ... ал"; return props.name; } export default Myfunction; I am new to React and will be happy to hear any ideas and criticism.

How can I properly implement load more in react

I have this code and it outputs 12 objects that I iterate over class PokemonList extends React.Component{ constructor(pr ... to replace 0 with 12 here and change fetch https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?offset=0&limit=12 But how do I do it right

React Downshift: how to connect to an array that is on the network

I'm writing a small interface to the application with a map and displaying addresses with coordinates and hints in input, eve ... t data.region is in the response. Help me how to split the response if downshift sees nothing but a huge data.value response.

What is a Preset in Webpack?

I started studying Webpack, in the article the author installs Babel, babel-core, babel-loader, etc. then explains what's wha ... that converts JSX to JavaScript. " But I'm not do you understand what Presets or Presets are? what is it and what is it for?

ReactJS how do I add a variable to the JSX syntax attribute?

There is a variable that gets props. I want to add a variable to the style="" attribute. Tried like this style="transform: translate(" + dir + ")" Does not work) Tell me, how can I implement it?

Not recognized by @ when using react

I connected the npm package mobx-react and throws the following error at startup Syntax error: C:/..../index.jsx: Unexpected token (4:0)

How to comment code block in JSX (React)

I want to know if it is possible to comment a block of code inside the render () method in React, I tried every way I know of ... ão funciona --> /* Não funciona */ -- Não funciona </div> </div> ); }

How to pass information from a child functional component to a React parent?

I am developing an application with React with Hooks and functional components, and I came across the following logic: I need ... ) } export default Register; The error that happens: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRegister' of undefined