
Kali linux stopped loading

Accidentally deleted the file vmlinuz-4.19.0-kali5-amd64 and did not notice it immediately when rebooting, it throws an error ... -amd64 файл не найден. Is it possible to download this file separately somewhere, or do you still need to reinstall the OS ?

Executing a command in the Kali Nethunter shell

I want to run the metasploit command in the kali terminal shell, something like this su-c "bootkali & & msfconsole" b ... t the bootkali command ends only after closing the terminal and I need to run the command inside it. How do I implement this?

Are Kali, Parrot Security safe?

I found an interesting comment in an article on Habr: Where can I read what he's talking about?I want to understand what he is talking about, and how it works. Link to article

How to connect an android phone to Kali linux

I have a problem connecting the phone to the virtual machine where Kali linux is located, Windows sees the phone, but Linux does not see it. What to do?

Black screen after apt upgrade on kali linux on a VMware virtual machine

When I first started kali linux on VMware, everything worked, but after apt upgrade and restarting the kali linux VM, it freezes and just black screen.

How to distribute the Internet from Linux to Windows in VirtualBox?

On the main machine is Windows 10 and there is no internet. The Guest is Kali Linux. In Kali Linux, there is some kind of In ... e tutorials) As it seems to me, it is necessary to somehow build iptables and NAT on Kali Linux, but in networks I am a noob.

The internet does not work when enabling Anonsurf on Parrot security os

I have already tried all the tutorials on YouTube in the edit on stackoverflow, I was looking for nothing that helps. I just ... hto defects and urezannogo funktsional will not be if you put the old vursi kali nu 2019.3 for example. In advance thank you!

Kali Linux and TP-Link tl-wn725n

Given: TP-Link WiFi adapter tl-wn725n on chipset rtl8188eu Laptop with a virtual machine Linux OS 5.4.0-kali2-amd64 (data ... ute beginner in the Linux environment (we can say that a complete zero), recently learned how to open and edit sources. list/

Root user problem in kali linux

Created a new user with root rights in kali linux. After entering the username and password, a black screen appears at the lo ... omputer, everything was working and everything was fine. I installed a ready-made system with of.the offensive security site.

How to install Linux without losing data

I want to put myself instead of windows, linux (kali linux). Please tell me how to do this without losing data on disk D? Thank you all)

Full disk backup with multiple installed systems on USB

In general, there is Windows on the disk and Linux next to it. You need to copy the disk so that you end up with a flash drive for automatic installation on an empty system, in general, you need a bootable flash drive.

apt-get -u dist-upgrade

What does this command do and what does -u mean?