
Simple calculator for Android

Hello. I study development for Android, write banal problems (now-a calculator). And so the question actually arose - I forme ... . In scripting languages, I would use something like eval(), but here I stumbled... Help, if you have encountered, please :)

How to make a calculator in JS? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... the site that would multiply the quantity and cost and give out the amount in JS, i.e. without reloading in the site itself.

console calculator in java

How to do that when typing in the console: java -jar calculator.jar 3 + 7 Immediately issued a response and did not requ ... + (x + y)); } if (operator.equals("-")){ System.out.println("= " + (x - y)); } } }

Okrgulenie to tenths in php

Please tell me how to round the result to tenths? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ru"> <head> <meta ... h1>Результат вычислений:</h1> <?= $result ?> </div> </body> </html>

Calculator in c#

Develop a program that calculates arithmetic expressions. Basic operations: addition, multiplication, division, exponentiatio ... Console.WriteLine(RPN.Calculate(Console.ReadLine())); //Считываем, и выводим результат } } } }

How do I make a history for a calculator?

How do I make a story like this for a calculator using only JavaScript?

How to make a simple calculator in HTML and Javascript

I know that similar questions were asked earlier. But still, I would like to know if it is possible to write a function for a ... lt").innerHTML = result; } </script> What will be the function of the result variable? Thank you for your help!

The JS calculator outputs NaN. Just three actions

No JS experience at all. I make a super simple calculator. 2 checkboxes with the specified price. One checkbox has an input w ... ;/form> <p>Итого: <strong><span id="itogo"></span></strong></p><br>