
Find elements with a key less than the specified one. Multimap

How can I get(find) an element by entering the variable int k through the console, and getting auto itr, so that the code for ... // cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl; //} } ///... }

Android app signatures don't match

I exported the app to a .apk file, installed it. Then, when I run the application through debugging, it requires reinstalling ... at, I worked under Windows, such a problem was not observed, I even specially flashed the axis on the phone, you never know.

How to bind a function to a keyboard button in Python?

I wrote a bot using the pyautogui library. It is necessary that when you press the button (for example, 'enter'), the bot is ... me import sleep sleep (3) root.moveTo( 242, 177 ) root.doubleClick() sleep (17) root.moveTo( 1709, 177 )

How to use the yandex translate api key in a script

On the Yandex site, I received the API KEY According to the instructions, I read not what I did not understand.. Here is suc ... k-функции>] Which I don't know.. how can I use the YANDEX API KEY on a regular site using a regular script or JQUERY ?

Transferring the windows 10 OEM license to another computer

There is an OEM key for Windows 7, which came with the system unit. Later, this system was successfully upgraded to Windows 1 ... t? Opinions vary, some say that this is impossible, some that it can be done over the phone. Where is the truth? Thanks!