
How to send integers from the client to the server.Python socket

Who rummages in the client-server in python, the socket library help to solve the problem please. SERVER TASK: Create a serv ... reading goes to bytes. When the client server starts, 10 fives are returned With the "stop" command, everything worked out .

Client-server application in Android

I have a DB in phpmyadmin, as well as a website. I need to take data from this database( or site), analyze it, and then show ... videos, etc.), since I'm looking for information on the Internet, but I don't think it's quite the right one for my project.

Hosting for a Java application: help me figure it out

I wrote a simple Java server on sockets. I run it in Eclipse - everything is fine, works, interacts with the client. Now I wa ... this difficult topic, maybe you can recommend reading something? And then I look: Jboss, Tomcat... Is this even on my topic?

Java Socket passing a class object from the client to the server

I'm studying Java Socket and the client server part, I don't understand the moment of transferring the class object (names an ... t.flush(); } } catch(Exception er) { er.printStackTrace(); } } }

There is a desire to write a client server chat application for Android

I would like to create the application itself on Android studio. Please tell me about the technologies that should be used in ... the creation (for example. Spring) and where to place the database. Well, if it is possible to advise where to learn all this

Console chat in Python. Implementation of registration in the chat

I ask for your advice. I want to implement a simple chat in python with one condition-registration of "chat participants". ( ... print(text_from_client) continue server_socket.sendto(data, client) Thank you for your advice.

how to make a python socket client take a screenshot and send it to the server [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... into a problem how can I accomplish it if you just pass the command, it will not be executed, but simply saved and that's it

How do I set up OpenVPN to log in to my home network?

Given: VPS on the Internet, where the OpenVPN Server is raised At home, the OpenVPN Client is raised on the router They see ... o longer pings (from the server there is no ping How can I access my local home network with a VPN?

Unable to connect to the server-FileZilla

Friends. An error occurred when connecting via FTP : "Status: Connection failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection rejected by ... n through total commander and WinSCP also fails to connect. What could be the problem? I will be very grateful for any help.

Configuring server-client communication on Rust

I want to do server-client emulation over TCP / IP, I hope I put it correctly, correct me if there is an error. How do I ma ... on the server received from the client? I have no experience in this field, please answer read more, thank you in advance :)

Backend for an android application in Java?

Good afternoon, dear developers. I was faced with the task of choosing a way to implement the server part for an android appl ... ur opinion on this issue. Is it possible to implement the server in java with servlets, or will you have to write in Kotlin?

How do I create a C# server that remote users can connect to?

I have been trying to create a server-client application through sockets and the Tcp protocol for a very long time. I start t ... er: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec)); sender.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); sender.Close();

Writing a chat in Java. Help!

The question is, how do I send messages to all users in the chat, and not just to the one who sent it? Tell me, preferably wi ... nd(msg); } }); } } Tell me how to correctly add clients to the collection to send them all messages

Android Video chat and server

I want to write something like a video chat between several Android phones.At the same time, so that the video stream goes di ... latforms without the participation of the server.Please tell me in which side to dig and which APIs could be used to do this.

Difference between css and min. css

I don't know if this question is appropriate, but I wasn't interested in it before. If you put already minified styles in the ... And, accordingly, vice versa if you put an unminified file in .min. This topic is not discussed on the forums found. Thanks)

Working with the retrofit android library to create authorization in the app

This is the first time I've asked a question related to the retofit android library that I use to create an authorization scr ... d it to the necessary server request and if someone knows how to explain this question to me, I will be very grateful to him.