
How do I navigate to another directory on the command line using a Python script?

When I open the command prompt, I am in the root directory of my disk. How can I write such a script in Python, so that when ... .com/questions/1015886/Как-выполнить-команду-в-cmd-через-python) I applied, but I didn't find an answer to my question there.

Why doesn't the taskkill command work in Windows 10?

I am learning to work through the Windows command line. Stuck on processes. I was able to run the example calculator calc.ex ... course, glad that Success: A completion signal was sent to the process with id 3920. But where is the completion itself?

Open File Explorer and select multiple files/directories

The Windows Explorer app has the {[1] parameter]}: explorer /select, C:\AMD Executing this command will open the "File Exp ... will highlight the specified directory C:\AMD. Is there any way to start the "Explorer" and select several files/directories?

Error in command syntax when reading from the java command line

Hello everyone I recently started learning the Java language. I'm writing a simple program in which a function gets two param ... gree = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); System.out.println(degree); String str = args[1]; System.out.println(str); }

Running the program with the parameter: the exact path is unknown

On client PCs, some software "PROGRAM" is installed, "PROGRAM" may have different versions, and, accordingly, it is installed ... open a file in read-only mode, but the path to the executable file is unknown. Changing file associations won't work for me.

How do I replace PowerShell in the context menu with the command line?

Reinstalled Windows and the command line from the context menu disappeared.SHIFT+Right Button also does not give anything, there is only PowerShell, how to replace it?

The *++argv[0] construct in C

How does the *++argv[0] construction work in the inner loop in this example of using pointers? #include <string.h> #in ... ort not only keys of the -x -n type, but also keys of the -nx type. What is [0] here for? How does the whole expression work?

Parsing command-line arguments in the key=value format, taking into account the Java syntax

I'm trying to parse the command line using mapping. The string should look something like this: -file=simple.txt -command ... rite(gson.toJson(people)); bw.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }}

Running a php script containing curl from the command line

When running php code that uses curl from the command line, no curl requests are returned (just empty, no errors). As I under ... r the request left the browser or not ... What solution then should be? How do I still run such a script in the background?

Command line and bit operations in C

There is a code. How to run it via the command line, as it is done in general. The program itself must swap the two specified ... ; //и заполнили нужными значениями z = z | (bx << (8 * y)) | (by << (8 * x)); printf("%llx\n", z); }