
Determine the number of "almost happy" tickets

A ticket number consisting of n digits, where n is even, is called"almost lucky" if the sum of the first n/2 digits in it dif ... two sums, you need to have a difference of one between them and if there is such a ticket,then this ticket is "almost happy".

The maximum sum of array elements. Python

I have 3 arrays: p1 = [400,500,300] p2 = [800,1000,600] p3 = [600,750,450] I need to find the maximum sum of the elements wi ... 0. Sum options for 3 elements of 1 array(300): 300 + 1000 + 600 or 300 + 800 + 450. The largest amount is 300+1000+600 = 1900

All possible combinations of a one-dimensional array

Friends, tell me in theory, what are the practices for the approach of calculating the number of possible combinations of ele ... there are elements 2,45,16,34 - how to find out the possible combinations? ( I'm not asking for code, I'm asking for theory)

Combinatorics-permutation in JavaScript

There is an array of five elements. Let's say these are numbers. var a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; You need to go through all th ... want to understand the algorithm, so if someone has it will turn out, please lay out with explanations for each line of code.

All combinations of n digits in ascending order

You need to create a function that displays all the different combinations of n digits in ascending order, or you can say tha ... k++; } j++; } i++; } } int main() { ft_print_comb(); return 0; }

Combinatorial problem

How to write a function that will generate the next number, knowing the previous one. The sequence is like this: 0001 0010 0100 1000 0011 0101 0110 1001 1010 1100 0111 1011 1101 1110 1111 There are not necessarily 4 digits in a number.

Implementation of the algorithm of combinations without repetitions for N numbers of length in K

Let's say we have 6 numbers. 2 4 6 8 12 14. It is necessary to get all combinations of these numbers in the form of sums with ... 8 =..... I understand that these are combinations of combinatorics, but I don't know how to turn it into code. C#language;

How to implement the generation of placements without repetitions?

How best to implement the permutate function with the signature (JavaScript) const array = ['a', 'b', 'c']; const k = 2; co ... expected return value: const permutations = [ ['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a'], ['b', 'c'], ['c', 'b'], ['a', 'c'], ['c', 'a'] ];

How do I transfer an employee to increase the average PO in departments?

Task: transfer an employee to increase the average PO in the departments? As planned: at first, it was assumed that I would g ... ) sum = sum.add(employee.getSalary()); return sum.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(employeeList.size())); }

Count the number of combinations

How to count the number of combinations of a string consisting of 10 characters, where only lowercase Latin letters and numbers are used. I would really like to know the formula.

Combinatorics problem: How many ways can you choose three numbers from the range from 1 to 300 so that their sum is divisible by 3?

I came across one problem on the test-first of all, I do not understand from what field, either from combinatorics, or dynami ... numbers have the form 3*(i + j + k) for example, and what to do next ?? Did I choose the right direction in the solution ?

How do I iterate through and output all possible combinations from the given characters?

I write in Delphi. Need a little help with the algorithm, or a sample code. There is a set of characters (for example, 5 pie ... n temp.Insert(k, list[idx]); Generate(list, temp, idx + 1); end; Generate(list, comb, idx + 1); comb.Free; end;

Do you need an algorithm for splitting a natural number n into m parts (zeros are also included) or at least a sketch?

There is an algorithm, but it is not clear and not clear: Generating compositions of a natural number n by a given rank m me ... he first zero element b[i] from right to left and replace it with one, and erase all elements to the right of it to zero. end