
How to decrypt AES-256 CBC?

There is a given code ( Java) that encrypts a certain text: public String encrypt(String plainText, String password) thr ... Spec = new IvParameterSpec(iv); return ivParameterSpec; } How can I decrypt the received text on the server using php?

Hexadecimal numbers in C

My task is to implement the SEAL2. 0 algorithm. In short, the input from the file is a 160-character word, it is divided in ... exadecimal numbers of 32 characters? In what format, then, should we store such large numbers so that we can work with them?

I can't decrypt AES

My colleague encrypts data using AES-256 without a vector using the node module.js aes-js. Accordingly, the key is a 32-dimen ... k.decrypt(aes.utils.hex.toBytes(text))) } How do I decipher this text? I have already tried many ways. Thank you in advance

RSA Digital Signature

Hello, I'm doing some lab work and I can't figure out how to get a sane hash image. In general, the essence of the problem is ... stion itself is how to actually get a certain number for this algorithm (calculate the hash sum or how to call it correctly)?

Opening a linear congruent pseudorandom number generator

For training purposes, I want to hack the simplest RNG. Even those who do not know about the linear congruent generator or ... 15245 is used in rand? Cracking a linear congruential generator Design of Cryptographically Strong Generator By Transforming

Algorithm for dividing the point of an elliptic curve by a number

How to implement an algorithm for dividing by a number Z (scalar) a point lying on an elliptic curve? Curve of the form: y^2 ... . The point is arbitrary, lying on the curve. Operations are performed in the deduction ring. For reference: Elliptic curve

Which hashing method is better than md5 or SHA-1 for a secure password?

Which hashing is better than md5 or SHA-1 for a secure password? For example, such md5 hashing $password = md5($password); and I want to change to SHA-1 hashing, can I just change to $password = sha1($password);?

Key generator in C# and Python

There is a code in C# that generates a key: private static byte[] GenerateKey(string pass, int keyBytes = 32) { const in ... on keys vs .NET Rfc2898. Python version used: 2.7.5. The PBKDF2 function is imported in this way: from pbkdf2 import PBKDF2

Selecting a part of the password by brute force attack (brute force attack) by mask and sha-256

I have a piece of the password *elp** (instead of asterisks, there should be characters to pick up), but I know from it sha25 ... ,"v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"] a = b'Hello' sha = hashlib.sha256(a).hexdigest() print(sha)

Problem with RSA encryption

In one of the answers to the question about rsa encryption, the code that I am trying to run was given. Actually, my code loo ... ompiles without errors, but it doesn't even output Hello, World at startup. Help me find the error, c# just started studying.

java, data decryption

There is a string encryption/decryption class. Encryption function: public static String DESEncrypt(String datasource, Stri ... .getInstance("DES").generateSecret(item2); Gentlemen experts, tell me, what am I doing wrong? I am an expert in php,mysql.

Blowfish encryption.

Good afternoon, friends! I came across another interesting work - the development of encryption using the Blowfish method. I ... s to understand the essence, because looking at this picture, it's not quite clear what and how to organize this algorithm.

What is this algorithm (GOST)?

I met a question: how to implement the GOST algorithm? What is the GOST algorithm? Only state standards are Googled.

Why does TLS encryption use prime numbers?

Why are prime numbers used in TLS encryption, and in general in cryptography? Why not use any of them?

Implementation of multiplication of polynomials in a finite field

On a foreign stackoverflow I found an example of implementing multiplication of polynomials in a finite Galois field. Help us ... esting what the hi_bit_set variable is used for, in which the highest bit of an 8-bit number is cut using the 0x80 constant.

Sample code for the DES algorithm. Question: if the encrypted text is already given, the program cannot decrypt it (BadPaddingException)

import javax.crypto.*; import java.io.*; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmExc ... :314) at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2165) at crypt.DES.decrypt(DES.java:51) at crypt.DES.main(DES.java:66) */ }

Linear transformation in GOST R 34.12-2015

Hello! I want to write an implementation of the recently adopted symmetric block encryption algorithm "Grasshopper". Now I'm ... l (byte[] a) { byte p = 0x00; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { p ^= gf.Mul(l_mul[i], a[i]); } return p; }

КриптоПро.NET SDK working with EDS

How to sign and encrypt a file using the library КриптоПро.NET SDK with a USB token? Alg. signature GOST 34.10-2001 (512 bits ... he p7s.p7m format. Its contents are separated by the tags ----- BEGIN PKCS7 ENCRYPTED ----- --- END PKCS7 ENCRYPTED -----

Asymmetric encryption-algorithm

I decided to understand how RSA encryption works. Here is the algorithm that I got working the first time. I use php and th ... hange public keys? After all, in the literature they write about the exchange of public keys. Isn't such an algorithm enough?

Text decryption (frequency analysis)

There is an encrypted text: o theysee of svyazhsk NEER amtopp of idea nsyc. AF-amytis f nyagy z IPF hydey. NFL backflight apm ... mething incomprehensible. At the same time, I'm pretty sure that F - > O. If someone can tell me, I will be very grateful.