
Error in pascalabc.net: Runtime error: The index was outside the bounds of the array

The error lies in these two lines(the full code is shown below) exptab[i]:= (45 * exptab[i-1]) mod 257; logtab[exptab[i]]: ... 4); writeln; writeln('Напечатайте 0 чтобы продолжить и -1 чтобы завершить'); read(flag); END UNTIL flag < 0; END.

RSA encryption

If I have, for example, prime factors: p (1119182087) q (1861375333), their product (m) 2083217929877259971 and e (5), how can I encrypt a message with a public key using this data? Who can give you a sample code?

The C++ Vigener cipher does not encrypt arrays as it should

I'm starting to learn the pros and I can't cope with the task for the vigener cipher. The function works, but it doesn't encr ... jqzvu The code should output: secretsecretsecretsecretsecre all generalizations are false spn kxfitrpbrevzsgk cii xenji

Problem with the implementation of the "Grasshopper" cipher"

Hello everyone I'm writing an encryption program. I read the data from the file, turn it into an array of bytes, divide it in ... ); a<<=1; if (hi_bit<0) a^=0xc3; b>>=1; } return c; }

DES encryption method

Using php, you need to encrypt the string using the DES algorithm and the ECB encryption scheme example: mcrypt_encrypt(MCRY ... B) This code outputs the result: +��Iin1/n��떇 I tried different encodings, nothing changes. What could be the problem?

How do I decrypt files encrypted by Samsung?

I have Samsung A3(2017), it was just well VERY important files and when I returned the phone to factory settings, I either d ... downloaded the first one, and there it asks for extension files that I do not know. My encrypted video has the extension mp4.

Encryption. GOST 28147-89. bouncycastle, java

You need to implement encryption according to GOST, I found an example and based on it I built the following - public class ... ThrowFabric.BadRequestException(e.getMessage()); } result = new String(cipherText); return result;

Vigener cipher-the script outputs an incorrect result

The problem is that the code works, but gives the wrong result. Example for the Vigener cipher: If we take the word "CO ... (res) Conclusion: Слово для шифрования(латиница) - java ключ - code dcaa The expected result is loye, not dcaa.

Implementation of signing by the GOST 34.10-2012 algorithm

There is a system with EDS, on which signing was implemented using the algorithm GOST R 34.11-94. There is a client cryptopro ... Right? And also, where you can get a test certificate with the signature algorithm GOST R 34.10-2012.. Thank you in advance.

C# Encrypting a string with always different result

It is necessary to encrypt the string in such a way that the same key always gives a different result. In AES algorithms, you ... need to know this vector. I need to receive a unique encrypted message only by the key. What algorithms can I use to do this?

Triple DES Encryption

There is a key encrypted by Triple DES on C# 16 bytes. It must be decrypted in code written in Java, but Triple DES in java f ... ation follows: Keysize must be equal to 112 or 168 Question is this real or not? It must be decrypted and encrypted.

Decoding the code

How do I decrypt the code? var _000 = '==wOpkSZwF2YzV2XoUGchN2cl5WdoUGdpJ3duQnbl1Wdj9GZ7kSMJ9EKkxWaoNEZuVGcwFmLJBDMfpwOdBzWpc ... = l1O[OOO[5]] - 1; OI0 >= 0; OI0--) { _0lO += l1O[OOO[2]](OI0); }; return _0lO; }; eval(OIO(_1OO(_000)));

RSA encryption by Modulus and Exp with node-rsa

I do authorization on the site, the password is encrypted by the public RSA mod+e. Key HEX: d3bcef1f00424f3261c89323fa8cdfa1 ... 3fb', 'hex'), e: 65537 }, 'components-public'); const encrypted = key.encrypt('qwerty', 'hex'); console.log(encrypted);

How do I create a hash and sign it using the cryptcp utility in CryptoPro?

I need to calculate the hash amount using GOST R 34.11-2012, and then sign the hash amount using GOST R 34.10-2012. Tell me w ... -cont '\\.\HDIMAGE\te-f9172e97-7dec-4b7c-a6d1-e11fadd1e993' -keytype exchange -in /tmp/hash_kOdlsl -out /tmp/hash_kOdlsl.sig

Cryptographic Rng or regular random?

Please tell me, is there any difference which pseudorandom number generator to use in the factorization algorithm? For example, in the Pollard method. Would it be safer to use a kgpsch than a random one?

Creating a cryptographic container with a one-time password

There was a need to create a cryptographic container for decrypting which you need to use a password that will change every 6 ... mbles Google authenticator , but not for two-factor authentication, but for decrypting a cryptographic container. Help please

pakm CryptoPro HSM for what and with what it interacts?

The HSM stores the users ' private keys, the CryptoPro DSS performs operations to create an EP using the HSM, the HSM sends t ... to the DSS, or what does it do? And in this DSS bundle, is it the cryptoprovider or does the cryptoprovider refer to the DSS?

Generating prime numbers with specified properties

To implement a cryptographic algorithm, it is necessary to generate sufficiently large primes p and q such that each of them ... test. How modify this algorithm to (with some probability) obtain primes of a given length with the property described above?

How to decrypt MYSQL password->user - >password

The password in the database is stored as F40A1DD8BD13322642527D1ADC22FA6DF1B1D0ED Is it possible to decipher it?

How can I encrypt a message with my own key using the RSA method?

How can I encrypt a message with my own key using the RSA method? import rsa (pubkey, privkey) = rsa.newkeys(512) message = b'Hello world!' # шифруем crypto = rsa.encrypt(message, pubkey) print(crypto)