
Implementation of signing by the GOST 34.10-2012 algorithm

There is a system with EDS, on which signing was implemented using the algorithm GOST R 34.11-94. There is a client cryptopro ... Right? And also, where you can get a test certificate with the signature algorithm GOST R 34.10-2012.. Thank you in advance.

Creating a signature for authorization via ESIA with a CryptoPro certificate

Setting up the site authorization via ESIA. Problem: After clicking on the generated link with the signature, we go to the a ... it. Comparing our link and the service link, we found differences only in the client_secret line, that is, in the signature.

How do I create a hash and sign it using the cryptcp utility in CryptoPro?

I need to calculate the hash amount using GOST R 34.11-2012, and then sign the hash amount using GOST R 34.10-2012. Tell me w ... -cont '\\.\HDIMAGE\te-f9172e97-7dec-4b7c-a6d1-e11fadd1e993' -keytype exchange -in /tmp/hash_kOdlsl -out /tmp/hash_kOdlsl.sig

pakm CryptoPro HSM for what and with what it interacts?

The HSM stores the users ' private keys, the CryptoPro DSS performs operations to create an EP using the HSM, the HSM sends t ... to the DSS, or what does it do? And in this DSS bundle, is it the cryptoprovider or does the cryptoprovider refer to the DSS?