
Decision structure, how to know which one to use?

About good logic Practice: I have a DropDownList with 8 values and depending on what is selected will add / remove compone ... lientID%>").hide(500); $("#<%=btnImpListaXLS.ClientID%>").show(500); }

What is the difference between logical implication and logical equivalence?

I am studying mathematical logic and programming logic, and I would like to know what is the difference between logical implication and logical equivalence?

Algorithm for finding common word sequence

I'm looking for a logic where I can find in an exorbitant amount of data, sentences that are common. Sentence In this conte ... would be Orlando do On Searching I found this question in StackOverflow en entertaining I could not understand the answer.

How to identify "capicua" numbers that have 5 digits?

According to this definition of priberam.pt , a capicua number is: Number that reads equally from right to left or vice ... 5 identical digits like 55555, 33333, 00000, etc? P.S.: no matter the language, only the logic to develop a way to solve it.

How to synchronize an offline database with an online one?

I have two identical databases, one of which is offline and the other is online. In every field of a table I have a column c ... can I send data of the two customers to the online bank and have each of the customers receive the data that the other sent?

C++ - sort privately points of a rectangle in a vector?

I have a project in c++ where I should map regions of an image using the mouse click. The question is Should I get the mappin ... s not work for all cases. Would anyone know how to help me with this problem, if there is any solution? I appreciate it now.

Logical expression and corresponding circuit

I have the logical function: I need to simplify it as much as I can. That said, I created your truth table and built Karn ... simpler]: Is my resolution correct and simplified in the terms that should be simplified or are there convergences in it?

C programming logic doubt

I am learning to program in C using André Backes ' book C - complete and uncomplicated language. There's an exercise I can't ... n1; if (resultado <= 1.2){ printf("emprestimo concedido"); }else{ printf("emprestimo nao concedido"); } return 0;

What is the difference between tautology, contradictions and contingencies?

Who studies mathematics or develops algorithms should know that mathematical logic is essential for several areas of knowledg ... computing (programming), so I would like to know, what is the difference between tautology, contradictions and contingencies?

Mistake!!! You did not select the file to upload. Codeigniter

I'm having a problem uploading the image and registering it in my database. In my database I have a table called tbl_artigo ... which theoretically is not truth. I have other functions like this worked, and yet this is giving this error what can it be?

How does XOR work for two binaries with more than one digit?

I learned that the XOR operator works as or unique , i.e. the end result is only1 when only one of the operators is equal to ... ); if(left) return (pad + str).slice(-padSize); else return (str + pad).substring(0, padSize); }

What is the difference between Modus Ponens and modus Tollens?

Again in the study of Mathematical Logic, How to differentiate a Proposition modus ponens from a modus tollens ?

Fewer moves of a horse to a given house in chess

On a chessboard in any house I own a horse (represented in red) and will have only one other piece (represented in green) tha ... do this using python? I have in mind that I have to use array and a list as position input, but I don't know how to continue.

Adjacent values

I need to create an algorithm that calculates the minimum distance value between the indices of an array containing adjacent ... lies strictly between [4] = 5 and [5] = 3; the only such value could be the number 4, And that is not present in the Matrix.

Counting distance between an element and each of the others in a list (Python)

I have a list that symbolizes a timeline: linha_tempo = [1107, 1107, 0, 1104, 1104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... er than 0. Ex: 1107 is at a distance of 3 from 1104, for 1106 is at 36... and so on, I have to do this for all the elements.

What is balanced tree and what are the advantages of using it?

Well the question is basically this, what is a balanced tree? What does it differ from a normal tree, and what are the advantages of using it? A brief description and use of it is already quite a degree.

Contest question: logic error and semantics error?

I participated in a contest and dropped the following Question: 33-analyze the algorithm and check the correct option fo ... orrect, after the features changed to"D". Besides the semantics error is there also logic error in this algorithm? Source

What is a "truth table" and what is it for?

Well, the question is precisely this, I want to know what a true table is and what it is for. I don't want to know all the details, just a basic definition and an example.

What is the Karnaugh map and what is it for?

The question is precisely this: what is and what is this Karnaugh map for? I do not intend to know everything about it, a brief definition and a small example is enough.

Issue with displaying 2D character sprite in Unreal Engine 4

I was following a tutorial from the Unreal Engine 4 website and in a certain video has an explanation of how to give movement ... dolls superimposed on each other. One with his animation stopped and the other running / jumping: Blueprint photos: