
Laravel how to fill a select with Eloquent?

I'm using Laravel 5.5 and trying to fill a input select with Eloquent and using the following code: No controller: $tipos ... -29 18:09:45","updated_at":"2017-12-29 18:09:45"} How do I make it only the nome attribute in the item and id in the value?

Save files with storeAs outside the storage folder

I have in an API in Laravel for storing files $request->file("file$i")->storeAs('categories', $nameFile) As it stan ... I would like to save these files in the folder /var/archives Because these files will be accessed by another application

How to send application files to the API

I have an APP in React-native and an API with Laravel The two are communicating correctly, sending data from the APP to ... s from the app to the API I can get the address of the image on the mobile phone But then on I don't know how to proceed

Redirect and Route in Laravel 5.5, is it possible?

I am having a beginner difficulty here in my training with Laravel 5.5 I just created an update - Update method, public fun ... ectly, but the message is not being returned to the screen for an alert. This redirect I'm using is not this correct? Valeu.