
Interpretation of tags with HTML

I'm programming using the Laravel framework and normally to use PHP within HTML I use the double keys {{ $variavel }} Alr ... th that if you have the exclamations or keys it does not work, and if you take it gets the html tags which are in the string.

Laravel 6 escaping html blade template

I am displaying news registered in the database using laravel and template blade, so the html is being escaped, I have tried ... .text) }} ... and nothing, the blade nor interprets these actions, prints this way even in html, could someone help me solve?

How to use "break" in blade template?

I am developing a checklist modal where the new protocol data will be registered. Each attribute of the item will be informed ... void */ public function register() { // } } Error:, but the error shown in this image occurred.

Restrict only lessons from a course via Laravel Controller

Well, I don't even know how to ask right why it's been less than a week since I started studying laravel. Please I ask everyo ... t to only the classes of the active course. Missing anything, just ask that I add in an edit or shot doubts in the comments!

Select2 does not work on adminLte + Laravel 5.8

I added a Select2 on the page, but it doesn't load at all. Has anyone been through this? I implemented like this: Page: r ... ], ], Only loads as a textarea. It does not apply the style and does not let you select more than one.

How to recover calculated fields in Laravel?

My controller edit $tipos = TituloTipo::all(); $devedores = Devedor::all(); $clientes = Cliente::all(); $divida = D ... zar the total_corrigido field is updated to a simple interest formula. total_corrigido = value_divida x interest x months

How to update an image in the database with Laravel?

I managed to upload the photos in the database, but I can not update these photos, when it gives update it deletes the image ... mary">Enviar</button> </div> </div> </form> </div> @endsection

Filter a select2 when selecting an option on another

I have a field of type select2 which is bringing me all clients from a database. As I do to, when selecting a client, in anot ... t;/option> @endforelse </select> </div>

PHP Laravel Blade {$name or 'Default'} printing 1

According to Laravel documentation {{{ $name or 'Default' }}} Should behave like if(isset($name)) echo $name else ... Default' }} and it's working, but I would like to understand what happens in the first version, does anyone know why I get 1?