
How do I put the inverted (descending) Y-axis on the R?

I'm trying to present some graphs about uniformity coefficient, but usually in this type of graph, the Y-axis is arranged in ... )/2,100,(100/foot)) plot(cuc~X, type="l", lwd=2) require(lattice) xyplot(cuc~X, type="l", lwd=2,col=1) Example of graph

Linear regressions in DIC with subdivided portion

Hello, good afternoon! Would you like to know, how to perform a linear regression in dic with subdivided portion, detail I n ... tor2) predicao<-cbind(predicao, predict(m1, newdata=predicao, interval="confidence") To make that band 95% of the curve.

how to place histogram values at the top of the bar

I'm using the lattice library histogram command in R. I would like to know how I can put the value on top of the bars, value I speak of is the histogram count. Former: