
Connecting less

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>site</title> <meta charset="cn-1251" /> <link rel ... </body> </html> I want to connect less @color: #ccc; body{ background: @color; } I can't run on google chrome

SASS, SCSS, LESS, CSS, JS relations between them

I don't understand in what relation are sass, less, js, css? I understand about js and css, of course. Who translates sass, less to css? Does javascript do this?

What is the difference between less and sass?

Serve the same purpose, have similar methods, and in fact differ only in syntax and extension? For me, however, sass will be more comfortable(shorter), do you think?

How do I enable a theme for bootstrap?

There is a website with themes for bootstrap bootswatch.com, there you can download themes as a bootstrap.min.css file. Q: How do I enable this theme? Just replace the regular bootstrap. min. css with this file?

Why use mixins?

Why use mixins in preprocessors? If we can create a special class. For example there is such an html structure: .defa ... ive both options the same way(i.e. it doesn't care if these styles are applied to the element directly or via another class)?

Can I use LESS variables in "normal" CSS code?

I finished the course LESS, I'm very confused, everything in my head is still not settled, but I would like to teach myself t ... or = #1bbc22c; and then use this color through the variable, will browsers understand? If not, how can I connect this LESS?

Media queries don't work in sass

Here is a sample code @media only screen (max-width: 750px) .ic display: inline-block

Compiling less in css via webpack

Gentlemen! This is the server var express = require('express'), bodyParser = require('body-parser'), http = re ... npm start and npm test ? Or is it possible to manage with one team? Forgot to add here is what it outputs in the console

How do I connect less to a project?

Connected and set less to nodeJS .How to connect less if 2 files for compilation and styles work only in the root folder nodeJS? Or now you need to move all the files for the site to the folder where less?

How do I translate a piece of LESS code into SCSS?

Generated a sprite using this service ru.spritegen.website-performance.org and there it gave out a piece of LESS code, but in ... .stitches-sprite(-234px, -200px, 74px, 47px); } } How can I reformat this small piece of LESS code into SCSS?

Choose between less and sass [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... erlap the weakest of them in order not to waste time studying the already available received features from another framework.

How to use less in css?

That is, let's say I wrote the code in less. Now, in order for the site to work not only locally, but also on the server, I n ... ess.the js file in the project itself will be compiled by the user at the expense of the resources of his laptop for example?

What are the structural and syntax differences between Sass, Less and Stylus?

Nowadays it's hard to see people writing "CSS the old-fashioned way" because of preprocessors that make writing easier by rem ... possible advantages/disadvantages) they have, whether they fulfill the same role, or whether they have a different approach.

Main differences between structuring CSS with PHP and LESS / SASS

In many projects I have been writing CSS with PHP, which is a very unknown practice but that meets all the needs of dynamizat ... LESS and SASS have the same proposal, so what's the difference when compared to PHP? is there a problem writing CSS with PHP?

Problem with

I'm going to start studying LESS, but the problem is that I can't move on to the first step. If I put the <link rel="styl ... d; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; }

I can't remove default background

Next galley, I'm using a wordpress plugin to organize the dishes of the restaurant menu, this: (food-and-drink-menu-url: http ... wrapper { text-align: left; white-space: normal; position: relative; margin-bottom: 1em; width: 100%; } }