
Logical expression and corresponding circuit

I have the logical function: I need to simplify it as much as I can. That said, I created your truth table and built Karn ... simpler]: Is my resolution correct and simplified in the terms that should be simplified or are there convergences in it?

How does XOR work for two binaries with more than one digit?

I learned that the XOR operator works as or unique , i.e. the end result is only1 when only one of the operators is equal to ... ); if(left) return (pad + str).slice(-padSize); else return (str + pad).substring(0, padSize); }

Boolean expression simplification

Good Night, guys! I'm doing a job that I have to simplify a Boolean algebraic expression of a circuit: And the simplest expression I found was this: But I think it might be simpler, would anyone have a better solution than this?

What is a "truth table" and what is it for?

Well, the question is precisely this, I want to know what a true table is and what it is for. I don't want to know all the details, just a basic definition and an example.

What is the Karnaugh map and what is it for?

The question is precisely this: what is and what is this Karnaugh map for? I do not intend to know everything about it, a brief definition and a small example is enough.

Is it correct to state that this boolean simplification is correct?

We have the following table truth : Just from the minterms its boolean expression is as follows: A'.B'.C' + A'.B'.C ... ication is correct, even different from the other? b) that my simplification is better than the other, by using fewer doors?

What is the difference between these two Boolean expressions?

I am checking the truth table on this site about the following expressions: But each of them results in a different output:

Multiplexer implemented with nand ports

I did not understand why this logic circuit is a multiplexer

(~ABC)+(A ~ B ~ C) + (AB ~ C) + (ABC)

I am trying to solve this Formula: (~ABC)+(A~B~C)+(AB~C)+(ABC) (~ABC)+(A~B~C)+AB (~ABC)+A(B+~B~C) But I don't know how to get out of this last part. I know the end result has to be a~c + bc. But I don't know how to get into it.

Simplification of logical expression

I have solved some questions of simplification of logical expressions, but I have felt some difficulty in simplifying them. ... is simplified in the right way. Is there another way? Is the expression this correct or has the applied law been mistaken?