
Connected, double-linked, bidirectional linked list

I read in an article that there are such types of connected, doubly connected, and bidirectional connected list. I would like to ask, in Java, LinkedList - what list is this? And how do they differ?

Problem with LinkedList extra space is added when Assert. assertEquals()

I have my own LinkedList implementation, I'm trying to test it using junit, but I get an error due to the fact that an extra ... expected.addLast("A"); linkedListOwn.addFirst("B"); Assert.assertEquals(expected, linkedListOwn); }

Circular singly linked list C#

It was necessary to implement a ring list. Made through extension methods. But there is one caveat. How to implement the retu ... sOrLast<T>(this LinkedListNode<T> current) { return current.Previous ?? current.List.Last; } }