
extern int i. so is it a definition or a declaration?

I'm completely confused. the famous stupid example x/y: we have 2 cpp files the first file extern int x; int y = x+1; Second ... hly speaking no declaration, but already a full-fledged definition, since it acquires both the address and the value zero ???

Add the contents of a binary file to an object file

There is a program that exports some data to a file in binary form. Is there a way to transfer the contents of a constant array, such as uint8_t, from a c file to a separate binary file for easy editing by a third-party program?

LNK2001 error: unresolved external character

I'm doing a textbook assignment. You need to create 3 files: My.h: #pragma once extern int foo; void print_foo(); void pri ... ogramming. Principles and practices using C++\8\Задание\1\Debug\1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: unresolved external elements: 1