
React js write to local storage

It is necessary after closing the browser, when opening it again, all the tasks in todo were saved. Website: https://react-to ... } removeTodo={removeTodo} updateTodo={updateTodo} /> </> ); } export default TodoList;

Change the color of a table cell with the current color recorded in localstorage

Task: there is a table of several cells (for example - 4). Each cell has the same background color (for example, red). It is ... color data for each cell is stored in localstorage, so that after updating/reopening the page, the table remembers its state.

Working with an array in local. storage, React.js

Faced with this situation, I am writing an application on the React functional component.js, there is a state that is read fr ... s replaced by the number 1, and the second click on the button, React gives the error TypeError: state.push is not a function

Which is better: chrome. storage.sync, chrome. storage. local, or localStorage?

What is the best way to store Google Chrome Extension data, and what is the fundamental difference between chrome.storage.syn ... ome.storage.local / localStorage, given the possibility of getting this data in any tab? Preferably with an example, please.

Catching the localStorage change event by key

Hello. (I searched Google, but found nothing useful). I am interested in this question: is it possible to somehow catch chang ... n't see it. I added the script to head. window.addEventListener('storage', function(e) { console.log(e.key); });

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

I have an array that I take from localStorage using the following code function loadCart(data) { //проверяю есть ли в local ... aught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0 Most likely I'm doing it wrong, please tell me what it is problem

Saving an html element to localStorage and output

There is a method that adds new div's to the page. function add_element() { var parent = document.getElementById('c ... But after the page is reloaded, the new div's disappear. What am I doing wrong? Does it matter that this is a JSP page?

How to make Local Storage expire?

I have a certain scenario in which I need the user to do login and stay logged in for some time. However, if inactivity is de ... y using the code below: localStorage.removeItem('login'); How do I make local Storage expire after a certain downtime?

Calculate time online with JavaScript/jQuery

I need to develop code where I don't have access to back-end languages , I need to make a function that calculates the time ... ine. And then update the value in storage, but I do not know how to work with time in Javascript/jQuery. How could I do that?

What is the difference between Local Storage, IndexedDB and WebSQL?

I am used to using Local Storage to save JWT, I would like to know the difference between Local Storage, IndexedDB and WebSQL and when to use one or the other.

Display sessionStorage data in a div

I am doing an activity that consists of recording data obtained from a form in sessionStorage with The Register button, and w ... ML += npar; result.innerHTML += npro; result.innerHTML += nreg; }else{ alert("Nada foi Gravado!"); } }

Native XMLHttpRequest function does not underwrite passing user Token in header

I'm having trouble getting my function to underwrite the native XMLHttpRequest function so that it always passes a header con ... call overrideXmlHTTPRequest.override () in my other file .vue the header remains standard and nothing has been underwritten

Create "dark" function on the site! [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... center no-repeat’; } function light() { document.getElementById(‘bg’).style.background=’#e6e6e6 center center no-repeat’; }

Save the checked checkboxes and load them when the page is reloaded

I would like the checkboxes that have been checked to be saved and loaded whenever the page is reloaded or opened again, in a ... etElementById("consulta"+i).style.display = 'inline-block'; // mostra checkbox marcada } } };