
How to compactly write "Exclusive OR"?

How do I implement an exclusive or? In most languages, this construct is not implemented at the language level. Therefore, we ... le.very_long_name_field_1.very_long_subname_field_a As an answer, give a compact example of calculating XOR (excluding or).

C++logical operators

I started learning c++, on the topic of logical operators after a couple of minutes of experiments, I came across the fact th ... t is easier to remember (because it must be, otherwise there will be no sense in logical expressions if they are illogical)?

&& and || and their brothers & and | in different situations. What are their differences?

Friends! I would like to ask about && and ||. If a double ampersand is used and the first expression is false, the se ... ibe examples where there are differences & from the && and where they may work, because I saw only the same work.

How does the xor operator work?

For example, there is a task to find a unique value in an array: a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4] You can do: a.inject(: ... then (3^3) returns 0. It would be interesting to know and fundamentally (how to apply XOR) and how it works in my example.