
longpoll api vk php

I read the VK documentation, and I didn't understand anything. It is also not clear: why use while in the script. Sort of. A ... lback. Tell me please. Better yet, attach an example. I normally know php. But I don't know longpoll well. Callback average

how to implement a timer in a vk bot

I need to implement a temporary ban. I work with MySQL. Code execution occurs after a new event from LongPoll import vk_api ... 8' wait = 25 longpoll = VkBotLongPoll(vk, group, wait) for event in longpoll.listen(): #Вот здесь надо что то придумать

Instructions for Long Poll [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ng sensible found... Or who can write something simple using this technology: Every 2 seconds get s /check.php information.

Add an audio message to the vk attachment

There is a community. You can correspond with the community, and the bot responds to the user. The user has sent a voice mess ... _message'})['upload_url'] vk_api.exceptions.ApiError: [27] Group authorization failed: method is unavailable with group auth.

Saving photos from custom VkLongPoll Python attachments

Hello! I'm trying to make a bot, I need to get an image from the user, and save it in a file. At the moment I can't get a lin ... vailable with group auth. Question - how to log in to the bot correctly, and how to write the photo to a file in the future?