
How to program in a modular way?

I am studying some concepts here and want to see if I have the right ideas and also throw a question(s). In modular programm ... ly. If it's too much of a question, let me know I break. Perhaps indicate which specific topic deserves a separate question.

What are modules in programming?

I know there is this question: What are modules? But the explanation does not go straight to the point and left me confused, ... simple explanation. Just like saying that métodos são funções de classes associadas a um objeto, etc... with a small example.

Grammatically classify a word in Portuguese

It is known that it is possible to classify words morphologically through the NLTK module, but it works directly only with En ... d process. Is there any module or method that makes it possible to classify Portuguese words as noun, verb, conjunction, etc?

Difference between exporting a function and an IIFE in JavaScript

Is there any difference between: module.exports = (function() { // Code. })(); E: module.exports = function() { // Code. }; Taking into account the context of exporting and importing modules?

Evaluative activity hours per minutes

Question (2): Make a program that receives an hour formed by hours and minutes (a real number), calculate and show the tim ... ues float but is there any way to transform float to integer to receive the rest of the division and add up with the minutes?

How to run a module in Python?

I have a question. A few days ago I am creating an application with GUI interface to show cinema programs. It was built in mo ... le code? should I make everything turn function? This project is being done just to help me learn. From now on Thank you:)