
The lower dash under the quotation marks, what is it and how do I remove it?

When I type text anywhere, wherever I type these characters "' ^ ' appears right below them, a lower hyphen or lower dash, it ... least in the browser at least where I started enter this and see this ominous bottom dash There is a high sierra mac os.

Iron MacBook Pro 2010, is it possible to install Catalin

Do not tell me how I can install on a macbook pro 2010 Catalin before that is High Sierra My parameters Macbook pro 15 inch m ... 8gb_500gb_hdd_1864816606 Question in general, on my mac with such parameters, you can put Catalin with the latest Xcode 11.3

How do I use my macbook as a monitor?

I have two macs available, one 16-inch and one 13-inch. I want to use the 13-inch as a third-party screen for the first one. ... at is, I do not see the list of connected devices in the monitors. Has anyone faced such a task and how did you cope with it?

Mac os x 10.13.4 macbook pro 13 2012 does not see the external drive exfat

I can't connect an external seagate 1tb hard drive under exfat to my macbook. Air under the same OS version saw it, a PC unde ... e under fat32, so the port is working properly. I will be grateful if the one who faced and decided to share the information!